The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have affected all of us, not just here in the West Midlands but globally. This survey covers a variety of topics which we will use to support our planning as the lockdown is lifted and ensure that the transport network and other service we provide across the region continue to meet the needs of its residents. The survey will take around 10-15 minutes to complete. All entries will be eligible for entry into a prize draw with the chance to win one of 3 prizes of £50 in Amazon Vouchers. The closing date for entries is 9am Monday 11th May 2020 . We want to ensure that we talk to as many different types of people as possible and therefore would like to ask some questions about you, your travel patterns and lifestyle. Our surveys follow the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and any personal data is used for research purposes only, held by the WMCA alone and not be shared with any other organisation. Fill the survey out here