Our projects
Here are some of the projects we’ve worked on

18 Dec 2023
SWM were commissioned to undertake a review of the university’s approach to environmental management and sustainability to ensure that recruitment of their new Sustainability Manager resulted in the appointment of the best candidate for the role, taking account of the future needs of the university.
Completed Project
18 Dec 2023
SWM provide facilitation and coaching to businesses taking part in the Aston Green Advantage Programme.
Current Project
18 Jul 2017
SWM worked with Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to develop a Sustainability & Resilience Action Plan.
Completed Project
23 Aug 2023
SWM worked with Birmingham City Council and West Midlands Growth Company to produce an online Sustainable Tourism Hub.
Completed Project
13 Dec 2018
SWM was commissioned to organise and facilitate a series of workshop events to deliver information on a range of topics relating to ERDF Funding.
Completed Project
31 Jul 2019
Cheshire East Council sought support from SWM to help facilitate a workshop for Councillors and senior council leaders to enable them to consider how they can meet their carbon neutral targets and fulfill their climate emergency declaration.
Completed Project
6 May 2020
City of Wolverhampton Council commissioned SWM to provide an independent review of their draft sustainability strategy and action plan, the methodology for calculating their carbon footprint, and input to their citizens assembly.
Completed Project
17 Aug 2020
SWM provided support to City of Wolverhampton Council to help them address the climate emergency, by running four virtual workshops for staff and Councillors and contributing to a fifth session for young people.
Completed Project
25 Oct 2021
SWM worked with the City of Wolverhampton Council to produce an employee Climate Emergency Toolkit to help them tackle the climate emergency.
Completed Project
14 Feb 2020
This project looked at how people have reacted to extreme weather and why, and what behaviours people and communities demonstrate when they are preparing for, responding to and recovering from an extreme weather event.
Completed Project
15 Jun 2020
SWM provided advice to the Committee on Climate Change on how to improve the accessibility of the the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report, due for publication next year. The project looked at better use of communications, providing engagement opportunities and reframing of outputs.
Completed Project
18 Nov 2021
Part two of this project, which provides support to the Climate Change Committee on improving the accessibility of outputs associated with the Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk, focused on producing outputs that considers the above advice, to bring thousands of pages of text to life and make the key findings and messages clearer, more digestible and understood by the primary audience, which is central Government.
Completed Project
11 Apr 2017
Climate-KIC commissioned SWM to undertake an audit report of UK climate-related innovation networks and clusters. It aimed to identify where in the UK there are existing climate innovation strengths and where there is potential for establishing new ones.
Completed Project
3 Jan 2025
Using our experience of supporting local authorities with climate change adaptation, SWM worked with CAG Consultants to produce a Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Coventry.
Completed Project
12 Jun 2023
Birmingham Enterprise Community (BEC) delivered an 8 week online course on on behalf of Coventry College, assisted by a number of external partners, including SWM. The course was aimed at anyone wanting to become a sustainability practitioner, or current sustainability managers looking to advance their knowledge.
Current Project
17 Jan 2018
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) commissioned SWM to analyse LEP, combined authority and city region progress and appetite to tackle climate change, embrace a low carbon economy and reduce carbon emissions.
Completed Project
12 Jun 2023
The East of England Regional Climate Change Forum (RCCF) brings together representatives from 8 climate change partnerships across the region, together representing over 50 local authorities. The Forum is run by the East of England Local Government Association (EELGA), who support it to achieve climate action targets. For this project, EELGA asked SWM for an analysis of each partnership’s climate change progress, and an explanation of the barriers to delivery of climate change action across the region.
Completed Project
12 Jun 2023
As part of their work to deliver Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES), Energy Capital needed help from SWM to determine how to get understanding and buy-in from council officers and elected members in councils across the West Midlands.
Completed Project
8 Jul 2017
The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) commissioned SWM to undertake a review of energy and low carbon activity and commitments in all 38 LEPs in England.
Completed Project
1 Dec 2016
This project assessed the commitments of all 39 LEPs in England to reducing carbon emissions, stimulating a low carbon economy and adapting to climate change. The report provided a benchmark of each LEP against each of these three metrics and discussed geographical progression patterns.
Completed Project
10 Jul 2017
The Environment Agency (EA) commissioned SWM to convene a workshop that took place on 30 March 2017, bringing together staff from across the West Midlands area to begin the development of a Strategic Community Engagement Plan that aims to help the organisation effectively target communities at risk of flooding.
Completed Project
23 Jan 2024
We have worked in collaboration with the Environment Agency for the past two years to help accelerate and scale-up the region’s response to climate change adaptation. While there is an increasing recognition that we are experiencing a greater number and intensity of extreme weather events, progress on dealing with their risks and impacts remains slow. This collaboration aims to drive forward activity across multiple sectors in the region, to increase resilience and encourage adaptation action.
Completed Project
9 Jan 2016
Our Resilient Communities Conference allowed for a wide variety of audiences to come together to share good practice around developing community resilience schemes, the tools and support available to help and ask questions of experts in the room.
Completed Project
9 Aug 2016
Using the Healthcheck to achieve resilience is simple and easy to use, and covers a broader range of considerations beyond risk solely from climate change and weather.
Completed Project