Lead Organisation
Sustainability West Midlands
Project Manager: Anna Bright, Chief Executive
SWM were commissioned as the lead partner of a consortium of four organisations to deliver the ‘Building Housing Retrofit Skills Leadership and Learning Programme’ aimed at developing the skills required inside and outside the councils to manage and implement retrofit programmes, including co-ordinating internal and external stakeholders, generating demand from householders, and upskilling suppliers. We also worked with our members Contented, Low Carbon Homes, and SHAP.
Over six months, 24 officers and councillors from local authorities across England were invited to explore, unpick and address the challenges of retrofitting domestic properties. A process of action learning was used to help individuals focus and reframe their retrofit and low carbon housing challenges, prototype approaches to tackle them, and share the results.
To support greater collaboration and encourage more sharing of enablers, the LGA has launched a Community of Practice for officers delivering retrofit to share knowledge, information and facilitate mutual support.
The outputs from the programme are published on the LGA website.