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Worcester City Council: Sustainability Strategy & Online Engagement Workshops

Lead Organisation

Sustainability West Midlands Project Manager: Anna Bright (Chief Executive)


Worcester City Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019 and committed to taking action to help the city become carbon neutral by 2030.The authority has written a draft strategy setting out options to achieve this. The Council commissioned SWM to provide an independent review of their draft sustainability strategy as well as delivering three online workshops to engage with elected members, businesses and residents to obtain their feedback.


  • Act as a critical friend and review the draft sustainability strategy against best practice
  • Deliver three online events in Zoom to engage with and obtain feedback from elected member, businesses, other organisations, and residents
  • Advise on leading local authority practice with particular consideration of ‘nearest neighbour’ approaches


SWM have developed criteria for reviewing local council climate action plans that contains 34 individual metrics based on a synthesis of good practice guidance and examples. The draft climate  strategy and action plan were reviewed against the criteria, rated and future improvements suggested. A Red Amber Green (RAG) rating was used. This demonstrated a strong commitment and direction in a draft strategy prior to consultation, with lots of opportunity for further strengthening during the next development stages. SWM delivered three well attended online workshops for elected members, businesses, other organisations and residents. Each workshop included a presentation from SWM on the context for the sustainability strategy and regional activity, followed by a presentation from the Council on the detail of the strategy and key questions for consideration. All sessions were supported by the Managing Director of the Council, David Blake, and allowed ample time for discussion and questioning.
“I would like to take this opportunity to confirm that Sustainability West Midlands provided excellent support to Worcester City Council during their public consultation of its Environmental Sustainability Strategy; helping us develop and promote our ESS and in particular Anna Bright, Chief Executive, who hosted our public consultation events.” David Blake, Managing Director, Worcester City Council

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