Better Growth Better Climate Report

Date of the report

September 2014

Author of the report

New Climate Economy

Purpose of the report

This report has relevance for the West Midlands as previous global economic and climate change have focused on the cost benefit of reducing climate change now compared to having to pick up the bill later. This study is one of the first to look at the impacts on economic growth of the proposed preventative measures and concludes this will not just bring economic benefits in the future but also in the present. The key areas the global report focuses on reflects much of our previous research in the West Midlands on the 2020 roadmap. For example the report highlights the themes of cities/buildings, waste, energy and natural environmental infrastructure, and the role of Government and the public sector to provide certainty for investment and to stimulate innovation through policies, planning and procurement. There is a more indepth comment in the Green Alliance blog.

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Better Growth Better Climate report

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