Date of report
July 2014
CLASP, Warrington Borough Council and Quantum.
Purpose of the report
Local Authorities are working with reduced budgets and there is very little grant funding available – yet many Local Authorities are implementing large-scale renewable energy schemes. Why are they doing this? And how do they achieve it? Warrington Borough Council and CLASP have been working together to produce a briefing for you that looks into this and explains the benefits, finance options and practical steps to take for Local Authority investments in renewable energy projects. The overarching lesson from officers interviewed for this briefing is ‘just get on with it’ – the business case is still a good one for the right technologies in the right place. The guide contains examples of a range of real-life recent projects led by Local Authorities across the UK and covers: • Essential Background • Making Your Project Happen • Financing and Ownership Options • FAQs • Resources
What SWM liked
We run networks to support local authorities and as such we feel that this report, produced by our North West neighbours, offers a useful guide and appraisal about the benefits of investing in large-scale renewable projects. We like how the document is concise, clear and easy to read and provides an honest FAQ section. It also discusses the risks to local authorities, particularly in the current financial climate, but emphasises the benefits and presents a clear case for investing in renewables at the local authority level.
Links and contact information
For more information view the full document online at CLASP’s website.