Date of presentations
28 April 2015
- Matthew Rhodes (Encraft)
- David Bevan (BDO)
- Richard O’Rourke (Pure Leapfrog)
- Mike Kinghan (Chase Community Solar)
- Kate Ashworth (Encraft)
Purpose of the presentations
In recent years a renewable energy ‘gold rush’ in the UK has seen investors rushing to fund a variety of schemes from £1m local energy projects to £20m multi-site schemes using technology as varied as solar, biomass, heat pumps, wind and hydro. As the market for investment has matured and grown, the variety of technologies deployed has also broadened and the risks and returns have become more variable. If you get your investment right you can be rewarded with over 10% annual returns secured over 20 plus years. If you get it wrong you could lose it all. A critical way to maximise investment returns and ensure you become a winner not a loser is to make sure your project yields and return projections are underpinned by appropriate and competent independent technical assurance. But how do you recognise quality technical assurance when you see it? What are the key risks with different types of renewable investment, and how can these be quantified? This investors briefing was aimed at non-technical investment managers from financial institutions, businesses and the public sector, their professional advisors such as accountants, and high net worth individuals wishing to invest in schemes. The briefing covered:
- The risks and rewards of investing in distributed low carbon energy projects
- The value and role of independent technical quality assurance in protecting your investment
Links and contact information
Please contact events@encraft.co.uk or 0121 237 5890 for more information.
To view and/or obtain a copy of these presentations, please contact enquiries@swm.org.uk.