Energy and low carbon activity and structures in combined authority areas

Date of the resource

January 2018

Author of the resource

Sustainability West Midlands

Purpose of the resource

This report analyses the structures and activities that are operating in combined authorities in England that are related to energy and low carbon. Demonstrating good practice from elsewhere can help to inform how the West Midlands Energy Capital initiative can be properly linked and embedded into West Midlands Combined Authority. The key elements that have generated success in other combined authorities in relation to embedding energy and low carbon activity are outlined with Energy Capital using this as a checklist when looking to move discussions forward with the WMCA.

Key findings

The results indicate that having an elected Mayor appears to help drive CA low carbon priorities, given that most of the manifestos contain low carbon commitments. However, in many cases this is building on the strong corporate commitment already in place through local partnerships and strategies. Where there are devolution deals, beyond devolving local transport planning and operations, the low carbon aspects often appear to be a commitment to the government and CA to explore particular regulation or delivery ideas together.

Links and contact information

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SWM Report – Energy activity and structures in CAs

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