Financing infrastructure and built environment adaptation to climate change

Date of the report

October 2015

Author of the report

Dr Katy Roelich

Purpose of the report

This report aims to highlight the principal challenges of financing public sector adaptation projects and identify some actions that government could take to address these challenges and make adaptation project finance easier to access. It is, necessarily, a high-level review of finance mechanisms and their application to adaptation projects and is not an in-depth case study, nor a guide to how to secure finance for adaptation projects. This report sets out:

  • What alternative finance mechanisms are available to public sector organisations in Scotland for infrastructure and built environment adaptation;
  • How the social, environmental and economic contribution of adaptation actions could be maximised through the use of alternative finance mechanisms;
  • Where more research is required; and
  • Where UK or Scottish Government intervention could remove barriers to accessing alternative finance mechanisms.

What SWM likes

We applaud Leeds University for having published this high-level review of finance mechanisms for public sector adaptation projects which provides a useful overview of available: capital grants, loans, revenue funding, bonds, crowd-funding and investment funds. As well as this, the report will help potential adaptation project funders to understand the specific challenges that these projects face and how finance mechanisms may be tailored to be more relevant to adaption projects.


Financing adaptation to climate change

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