Local Authority Business Case for Adaptation

Date of presentations

15 July 2015


Cllr. Anthony Blagg (Worcestershire County Council & SWM Board member) Sylvie Allan (Environment Agency) Mazvita Chari (Local Government Association) Beth Richards (Hampshire County Council) Simon Slater (SWM) Ewa Bloch (Innovate UK) Alan Carr (SWM)

Purpose of the presentations

This workshop marked the launch of a brand new Business Case for Adaptation report for local authorities and brought together local authority officers from across the West Midlands and beyond.  The event commenced with SWM Board member Councillor Anthony Blagg, who gave us an overview of why it is important for councils to adapt from a financial perspective.  This then led into a presentation by Sylvie Allan who gave an overview of the new report and how councils can benefit from using it.  Mazvita Chari then provided an overview of the Climate Local initiative and some case studies of adaptation action from authorities that are part of this scheme.  The first half concluded with an excellent case study from Hampshire County Council, that focuses on their Resilient Communities and Resilient Roads schemes; and how they have benefited the council and the local residents. Part two focused on funding opportunities for LAs in relation to adaptation.  Our CEX, Simon Slater, presented an overview of a new Resilient Growth Note for LEPs.  This was followed by current EU funding opportunities that councils can take advantage of in relation to adaptation from Innovate UK.  SWM then provided an overview of two tools that could help councils capture the financial cost of severe weather impacts; SWIMS and HIRAM.  The final part of the event included a workshop, asking delegates to think about the barriers and opportunities in adapting their councils as well as further support they require and actions to take away.

Links and Contact Information

New Business Case for Local Authorities reportLEP Resilient Growth Note

For more information contact enquiries@swm.org.uk or call 0121 237 5890.


To view and/or obtain a copy of these presentations, please contact enquiries@swm.org.uk.

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