Lead Organisation
SWM partners the Environment Agency Partner: Shropshire Wildlife Trust; BESST (Green Business Clubs Network Member); SWM members Severn Trent Water and Ricoh; Telford and Wrekin Council; Telford Green Spaces Partnership.
The project included a unique partnership of four government organisations, two non-government organisations, one water company, one university, sixteen community groups and an industry lead environmental group, who worked together to address issues with water quality across Telford. The project brought organisations together involving volunteers, schools, businesses and local communities. Volunteers monitored invertebrate and aquatic plants as indicators of water pollution. Various solutions were implemented to address issues, including: tree thinning, reeds planting, sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) implementation and shared information to the local community. The aims of the action plan were as follows:
- To improve water quality and aquatic habitat around the watercourses of Telford.
- To improve the protection of downstream potable drinking water supply.
Results and achievements
- Implementation of SUDS in Stirchley saw the highway no longer flooding and all contaminated runoff soaked away instead of flowing into the local watercourse.
- In total, of the eight water bodies in Telford included in the project, five have improved by at least one Water Framework Directive status and two have been prevented from deteriorating.
- Little Dawley pools was regenerated with over 450m of natural green barriers created providing a natural filter between runoff and the pools.
- In the residential area of Sutton Hill 283m2 of impermeable paving was replaced with permeable paving slowing water down leading to a reduced flood risk whilst improving water quality.
- Large financial savings were made with Severn Trent seeing potential savings of over £1million.
- Awareness was raised in the local community and businesses within the area. Over 200 businesses were engaged, over 1,000 pupils got involved with a further 450 people engaged during events.
Links and contact information
Download the Love Your River Telford Case study. For further information or help, please contact the Environment Agency at guy.pluckwell@environment-agency.gov.uk or the Shropshire Wildlife Trust at PeteL@shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk.