Date of presentations
25 June 2019
Andy Whyle (Host, Ricoh UK Products and Chair of WM Green Business Clubs Network) David Taylor (Sponsor, Bryt Energy) Anna Bright (SWM Chief Executive) Tom Hendy (SWM Sustainability Adviser, 2020 Roadmap lead)
Purpose of the presentations
SWM is a membership organisation and at the time of writing we have approximately 65 members from across many sectors. Members gain several benefits including unique networking opportunities, promotion of their case studies, events and jobs and discounts on consultancy. A new membership benefit was the opportunity to attend this event – the first ever SWM-Members Only event, our Summer Social. The event’s primary objective was to enable our members to meet each other and make connections across sectors to share good practice and work together to achieve shared objectives. The event also included a tour of the Ricoh Products site in Telford, an exclusive opportunity for members to comment on our new Roadmap from 2020 – and a sustainability themed quiz!
Supported by
We’d like to thank:
- Bryt Energy for sponsoring the event
- Ricoh Products for hosting the event
- All attendees for their active participation and enthusiasm – despite the rain!
This was our first ever Members only event and we very much appreciated feedback from attendees and suggestions for next year’s event, which included:
- More presentations from members from across different sectors
- More example of good practice and projects where members are looking for partners
- More mixing up of tables so attendees could network more proactively with a greater range of people
Comments on this year’s event included:
- “Thanks for arranging the event, there’s not many that I go to and find it both useful from a knowledge gained perspective and a networking perspective so bravo to you!”
- “Really good event – really useful to get to know other members and what they are doing. “
- “Well organised event which was a lot of fun, thank you.”
- “Great! Keep the events coming!”
- 100% of delegates thought the event was organised to a good or excellent standard
- 98% of delegates thought the content of the event was good or excellent
- 94% of delegates thought the aims were met to a good or excellent standard
Links and Contact Information
If you’d like to join SWM as members, you can find here the benefits membership brings and an application form. You can also contact enquiries@swm.org.uk or call 0121 237 5890 to find out more.
Introduction by SWM Chief Executive and reminder of membership offerOpening presentation by hosts – Ricoh UK Products (to follow shortly)