The Socio-Economic Performance of the West Midlands in terms of the Low Carbon Economy

Date of the report

January 2013

Author of the report

SWM on behalf of the West Midlands European Service

Purpose of the report

This report provides a review of the socio-economic performance of the West Midlands relating to the low carbon economy to inform the West Midlands European Programme 2014-20. This review aims to provide analysis and data to identify the socio-economic low carbon needs and priorities of the West Midlands and thereby assist the WMES in developing the framework of socio-economic priorities to help secure future European funding. Specifically the review provides:

  • Current situation – A baseline review of the current performance, strengths and weaknesses of the West Midlands in terms of the low carbon economy, including analysis of quantitative and qualitative data at the West Midlands, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and local authority levels.
  • Future Priorities – Identification of future socio-economic priorities and needs of the West Midlands in terms of developing the low carbon economy, including SWOT analysis.
  • Indicators – Identification of indicators to support the baseline analysis and for monitoring future progress in developing the low carbon economy across the West Midlands, at the West Midlands, LEP and first tier local authority levels.

This work informed the overall West Midlands  framework and evidence base to inform the new EU programme and subsequent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) European Structure Funds Investment Strategies (ESIF).

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