Workshops and Launch of NHS & Public Health Networks

Date of presentations

4 November 2014


NHS Workshop (AM)

Anna Bright (SWM) Mindy Hadi (BRE) Mich Swainson (BRE) Clive Robinson (Network Chair; University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire) Public Health Workshop (PM) Alan Carr (SWM) John Middleton (Network Chair) Paul Fisher (University of Birmingham) Sonia Roschnik (SDU) Robert Curtis (Leeds City Council)

Purpose of the presentations

These events marked the launch of our two new networks: West Midlands NHS Sustainability Network and WM Sustainability and Public Health Network.  They provided delegates with the chance to help us inform the topics of future network events.  The NHS network is designed for Estates managers, those who manage hospital buildings and are in control of issues that include, for example, energy management, waste minimisation and thermal comfort.  The Public Health network comprises of cross-organisational bodies whose role it is to improve the health of the public at large, via reducing obesity rates and focusing on themes such as alcohol misuse and sexual health. These particular workshops focused on the theme of climate adaptation and resilience, with the first half focusing on how to manage hospital overheating issues and what the effects overheating can have on patients, and the second half looked at integrating resilience into the aforementioned and other public health priorities.

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