Clean and Active Travel
Promoting an active, accessible and connected lifestyle for everyone regardless of demographics

Active Travel
Our target (1): By 2030, one third of all travel to be made by walking or cycling across the West Midlands
Current percentage of walking and cycling trips (based on latest available data from the Department for Transport from 2022) is 23.9%
Progress: We currently rate progress on achieving our target as:

The trend since 2010 is shown below.

Low Emissions Vehicles
Our target (2): By 2030, 80% of new cars should be Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs).
Current percentage of new cars that are ULEV (based on latest available data from Department for Transport from 2022) is 18.3%.
Progress: We currently rate progress on achieving our target as:

The trend since 2010 is shown below.

Consult the latest roadmap report for more details on this theme, how the target was derived and further background and information.
For details of which of our members work on this topic, visit our Members Directory.
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