SWM News August 2019 - Looking Ahead
As the seasons change, we welcome you to our latest newsletter. Some of you may be looking back wishing you made more of the sun, with others looking forward to colder days and darker nights. All we know is, for at least one night, you can spend it wrapped up with a blanket, reading our newsletter, full of new and exciting opportunities.
We’ve got a lot planned this Autumn! The next meeting of the Innovative Low Carbon Working Group takes place on 10 September. On 22 October we’ll be running an event, ‘No Time to Waste: The Future of Organics’ in partnership with Severn Trent Green Power. The workshop will explore the world of organic waste and we’ll be inviting industry experts to share their knowledge on the latest strategy, policy and good practice.
Later in the year we’ll hold our Annual Conference. Taking place at The Edgbaston Park Hotel on 3 December this will again be a great opportunity to network with sustainability professionals from a wide range of sectors. This year we’ll focus on the updated Sustainability Roadmap to 2030 for the West Midlands. This will be your opportunity to comment and reflect on the Roadmap and identify the steps that your organisation can take to ensure that we hit our targets and create a more sustainable West Midlands. Save the date!
We hope you can join us at these events and get involved with the other opportunities listed below. Stayed tuned, and get that blanket ready for next month.
Tom Hendy, Sustainability Adviser, on behalf of the SWM Team