From:                                             Alan Carr

Sent:                                               26 June 2017 15:47

To:                                                  Support1

Subject:                                         SWM News June 2017: Publication of WM Science & Innovation Audit


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Sustainability West Midlands

SWM News June 2017: Publication of WM Science & Innovation Audit


Our Comment: WM Science & Innovation Audit - What makes sense for climate, makes sense for business

We’re really excited by the publication of the WM Science & Innovation Audit last week. It highlights our market strengths including next generation transport, sustainable construction and energy storage and systems. There is no doubt that that the low carbon economy is one of our strengths and will continue to grow and that what makes sense for the climate, makes sense for business.

It focuses on the critical role of networks as being core to successful innovation. Through our nine cross sector networks and growing membership, we will continue to lead in this area.

The policy and regulatory framework is a key factor in supporting innovative low carbon activity. We continue to support the WMCA providing evidence and independent monitoring including benchmarking of LEPs and local authorities, review and monitoring of the Strategic Economic Plan and support from our board as a ‘critical friend.’

ERDF funding has been essential in helping to build our innovation ecosystem. Alternatives to ERDF funding must be made available. SWM continues to support partners such as BEIS, local LEPs, the WMCA and Energy Systems Catapult to develop support for future low carbon innovation.

Read ‘Our Comment’ for a full review of the WM SIA and join us at Venturefest at Birmingham NEC tomorrow to find out more. Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, will open the event by discussing ‘Innovation and the West Midlands Economy’ and a panel session in the afternoon will consider different perspectives and opportunities to take the findings of the WM SIA forward.

Anna Bright, Chief Executive, on behalf of the SWM team.

Funding opportunities

  • By 30 June. Climate-KIC is looking for proposals related to their Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) and Climate Risk Information (CRI) flagships.
  • By 11 July. Young entrepreneurs with ideas to help the environment can apply for a £10,000 grant to turn their idea into reality.
  • By 19 July. Not-for-profits can apply for up to £5,000 to engage people aged over 65 with smart metres and their rollout.
  • By 25 July. Start-ups in the green and circular economy sector can apply for the Green Alley Award, worth up to €37,000.
  • By 31 August. Veolia has grants available for environmental and social projects run by not-for-profits.
  • By March 2019. SMEs can obtain free energy audits and grants towards energy efficiency measures in the Greater Birmingham and Black Country areas.
  • Ongoing. DCLG has produced fact sheets in relation to ERDF funding for low carbon and environment projects. Local calls should open soon.
  • On-going. A $2 million New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize is open to help create packaging that keeps plastics out of the ocean.

Since 1 April 2017, we have promoted £150 million of accessible funding.

Upcoming SWM and member events

  • SWM will be exhibiting at Venturefest West Midlands in Birmingham tomorrow, an event that supports business growth through innovation.
  • SWM is supporting the Sustainable Estates Forum on 28 and 29 June in Oxfordshire.
  • BECCI and guests will discuss the benefits of BIM for the refurbishment of buildings on 30 June in Wolverhampton.
  • sben is convening a discussion on smart, innovative and low carbon energy on 4 July in Longton.
  • The University of Birmingham will be focusing on sustainable agriculture at an event on-campus on 4 July.
  • SWM is delivering training on 11 July in Birmingham on QGIS. We have two places available. Contact us to find out more.
  • Worcestershire County Council will encourage SMEs to install renewable energy technologies at a marketplace in Worcester on 11 July.
  • SWM is supporting the NHS Sustainable Development Unit’s summer event, taking place on 12 July in Birmingham.
  • sben’s annual networking event, this year taking place on 12 July near Stafford, will feature Jonathon Porritt.
  • The European Bioenergy Research Institute is running a bioenergy masterclass course on 12 and 13 July in Stoke.

A full list of our members are on our website.

Other SWM and member updates

There are many advantages to SWM membership; find out more here

Other news and events

  • Mentoring. The West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street, has launched his Mayor’s Mentors initiative for young people.
  • Innovation. Individuals passionate about innovation can apply to join GBSLEP’s Innovation Challenge Forum
  • Resilience. Flood risk could undermine economic growth in struggling cities, a new report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation says.
  • Training. The Hive is a new business support programme for people wanting to start or grow co-operative or community enterprises.
  • Transport. The NHS can use a new tool to quantify many of the health and economic impacts from their travel use.
  • Efficiency. Businesses in the Black Country wanting to reduce their energy bills can attend an event on 18 July in Wolverhampton.
  • Wildlife. Meres and Mosses Business Environment Network is convening a Summer Site Visit on 9 August in Shropshire.

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