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Sustainability West Midlands

SWM News October 2019 - Will the Environment Bill provide the transformative change we need?

With all the political drama over Brexit this past month, it can be easy to forget that the government laid out 26 new bills to be debated over the next parliamentary year in the Queen’s Speech on 14 October. This includes the new Environment Bill which we first touched on back in our April newsletter comment when it was first mentioned by the Government. But now the Bill has been officially announced in the Queen's Speech what can we look forward to?

The Bill aims to bring in legally binding targets to tackle air pollution, waste, biodiversity loss and protect water resources. The Bill also puts Defra’s 25-year Environment Plan on a statutory footing, sets out core environmental principles for policy-making and sets up a new watchdog, the Office for Environment Protection, which has been created to hold the government to account, monitor progress and ensure public authorities comply with climate and environmental laws. At the moment under EU rules, the government can face heavy fines for failing to meet environmental standards. Post-Brexit, 80% of our environmental rules will be lost and these fines removed without intervention.

Some of the ambitions put forwards in the Bill are: ensuring the environment is at the heart of all government policy making; net zero emission by 2050; improve air quality by increasing local powers to address sources of air pollution; restore and enhance nature through biodiversity net gain; transform waste management; and protect water resources. However, our concern still is how is the government going to make the environment a priority with all this uncertainly and division in Parliament. 

Similarly, there are environmentalists who think the Bill is too weak and have expressed concern over whether the new watchdog will get the funding it needs. The watchdog will also not be able to issue fines like the EU does. Other worries are: what targets will be set; how will these targets be achieved; and when will these targets apply? Currently the government has only promised “ambitious, legally binding” targets will come. Will these new laws on waste, air quality, plastic use etc be the same or exceed current EU standards? Only time will tell...

This uncertainty is why SWM is going to great efforts to develop the new Sustainability Roadmap for the region, launching at our Annual Conference on 3 December, to ensure it is ambitious, fit for purpose and can act as a framework for action - regardless of what happens in the next few months.

Jordan Bird, Communications Officer, on behalf of the SWM Team

Funding opportunities

  • By 13 November 2019. GCRF will invest £9.3m in demonstration-stage projects that have the potential to transform lives in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals. 

  • By 19 November 2019UKRI has made £22m available to support five Circular Economy Centres for up to  four years. 

  • By November 2019. BEIS has allocated up to £20 million to design and construct carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) demonstration projects.

  • By November 2019. The Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging programme is funded by £60 million from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. 

  • By 22 January 2020. Businesses can apply for a share of up to £20 million to support ambitious projects developing new and more efficient ways to produce the UK’s food.

  • By 30 June 2021. The Worcestershire Natural Networks scheme aims to boost biodiversity in an ERDF-funded venture which includes SWM members Worcestershire County Council.

  • By 31 December 2021. Businesses in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent can benefit from free energy audits and 60% grant funding towards energy efficiency measures.

  • By 31 December 2021. Marches Renewable Energy is a grant scheme allowing eligible applicants to apply for a 50% grant for the installation of renewable technologies. 

  • By 31 December 2022. GBSLEP Habitats Grants Programme is still open. The Programme is focused on reducing dereliction and the improvement and development of natural habitats. 

  • On-going. The Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) is a £10 million programme which supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects.

  • On-Going. The National Lottery Community Fund has launched a new £100 million Climate Action Fund to help people and communities take the lead in tackling the climate emergency.

  • On-going. Monthly themed funding for Birmingham based projects that aim to deliver positive change is available.  

  • On-going. The Community and Environment Fund is to provide benefits to communities along the route disrupted by the construction of HS2.

  • On-going. BEIS funding of around £162 million is available in industrial research and innovation, including Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS).

  • On-going. The UK Government has announced how to apply for the Urban Tree Challenge fund, which has £10m available for the planting of trees in urban areas in England.

Over the past year we have promoted >£900 million of accessible funding.

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