SWM was a founding member of Climate UK, which ran from 2011-2018 and promoted resilience to climate change through partnership working. Climate UK was made up of Climate Change Partnerships in each region, but following the withdrawal of the Government’s Climate Ready Programme in 2017 many of these partnerships dissolved. However, the intelligence, experience and local area knowledge remains and many of the individuals who were part of Climate UK are still working on climate change adaptation and communication activity, and we still work with them on a range of topics.

Role as SWM Associate
This network of individuals and organisations is hugely valuable to SWM, especially when we are hoping to secure more national-focused work. We struck up an excellent relationship with our regional colleagues during the Climate UK years and have since worked with them on other projects, especially pertaining climate change adaptation. Working with these partners means we can access not only collective knowledge, but a national database of stakeholders with whom we wish to work with to help improve the resilience of the UK to climate impacts. Example projects include:
- Between 2024-2027, SWM is working with most of the partners listed below as part of the Maximising Adaptation to Climate Change Hub, a UKRI/Defra-funded project led by King’s College London. It aims to deliver faster and more impactful action in the UK to help all four nations prepare better for the predicted effects of climate change, and will inform a national climate change adaptation plan by addressing current barriers around public awareness, policy, legislation and climate data that might be hindering the UK’s ability to adapt to global warming.
- As of 2024, we are also working with Sniffer in helping to build adaptive capacity in the NHS.
- Working with the Climate Change Committee where SWM has led a consortium of these colleagues to help improve the accessibility of the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment.
The organisations and individuals who make up these partners include:
The London Climate Ready Partnership (LCRP) is a cross-sectoral partnership led by the Greater London Authority and the Environment Agency. Its vision is that ‘London will become the most climate-resilient global city. London’s people, infrastructure and systems are adapting dynamically to its changing climate, and its economy is reaping the rewards of being a world leader in this field.’ LCRP is the only remaining founder of Climate UK left in England. Our primary contact, and LCRP Manager, is Jude Hassall.

Sniffer bring people and ideas together to create a sustainable and resilient society across Scotland. Sniffer’s vision is of a resilient Scotland where people are working together so that the places where we live, work and play are ready for the challenges and opportunities of a changing climate and environment. Its mission is to be change makers and knowledge brokers for a society with greater resilience to environmental change, in particular climate change. Our primary contact is Jonny Casey, Head of Climate Leadership.

Climate Northern Ireland, based within Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL) is an intersectoral network devoted to increasing understanding of climate change impacts and risks within Northern Ireland and promoting the adaptation actions necessary to address these. Its mission is to create a dynamic region resilient to the impacts of climate change and driven by a vibrant low–carbon economy that values the people and the environment of Northern Ireland, benefiting current and future generations. Climate NI’s mission is to increase understanding of the impacts of climate change in Northern Ireland and promote action to address climate change across all sectors of society. Our primary contacts are Stephen Jones and Amy Bell, acting Climate NI Managers.

Mike Peverill, freelance consultant in climate change adaptation communications. Mike has 35 years’ experience working in the public, voluntary and social enterprise sectors where he has developed a range of generic and transferable skills in community/stakeholder engagement, consultation, facilitation, partnership working, project/people management, communications (written, spoken and visual), IT, web design/editing, research and analysis. His specialist area of knowledge is sustainable development and climate change, but his particular interest is in the social side and in how people and organisations are affected by their environment. Mike also co-founded Climate UK in 2011.