Food for the Planet Grant – Apply by 10/02/23

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to any UK local food partnership, local authority or community group.

Deadline for applications is 5pm 10th February 2023.

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New grants have been launched by Sustain as part of the Food for the Planet project. The grants aim to support communities to campaign and advocate to make food in their area better for people and the planet. Applicants are encouraged to propose their own ideas for great local action, but should focus on areas that have a big impact locally, for example:

  • Improving your council’s score in the Every Mouthful Counts report and/or developing a food strategy
  • Supporting groups and communities that are marginalised to campaign for food climate justice and tackling racial injustice in the food system
  • Encouraging climate-friendly food in public institutions and council settings
  • Supporting sustainable farming systems through planning policy
  • Tackling unfair and unhelpful pricing and advertising of the most climate-damaging foods

The grants are open to any local food partnership, local authority, or community group based in the UK. They recommend all applicants look at the Guidance for Applicants and the Food for the Planet website, particularly the Every Mouthful Counts Toolkit and Planet Pledge, to get a feel for the aims of the campaign.

Sustain recommend that you read through the question list in their Guidance for Applicants before you fill out the application.

Financial arrangements

Recipients must be able to receive financial support into a designated bank account and manage all legal and financial requirements. Payment will be made in two instalments, with 80% in advance and 20% on completion of the work and submission of a satisfactory final report. The first instalment will be in March 2023 at the earliest, upon receipt of a completed Grant Agreement and invoice. 

The Grant Offer Letter will detail the full terms and conditions agreed with you. These will include guidance on ensuring that the grant is spent on charitable purposes.

Reporting and shared learning

Recipients of this financial support will be required to attend an online initiation workshop in Early March 2023 to introduce projects and develop our shared understanding of priorities for food and farming as part of action for climate and nature. You may also be invited to share your work during other Sustain or Sustainable Food Places conferences and events. Sustain will also require some written or digital output from your project (see Q7 in the Grant Application Form), so please make some allowance for this work in your plans.

More about this funding opportunity

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