Green Social Prescribing Pilots Open for Applications

Update- Applications have now closed

Applications are now open to deliver four ‘green social prescribing’ pilots as part of a £4.27 million project to improve mental health and wellbeing in communities hardest hit by coronavirus. The project will examine how to scale-up green social prescribing services in England to help improve mental health outcomes, reduce health inequalities and alleviate demand on the health and social care system. Applications will need to:

  • Be led by an Integrated Care System working with partner organisations, including organisations from the environment sector.
  • Provide a clear explanation of how the project will help to address health inequalities and support coronavirus affected populations.
  • Provide evidence of a whole system and partnership approach to project implementation.
  • Demonstrate relevant experience and ability to deliver.

Four sites will be chosen from a range of locations across England which have been the hardest hit by coronavirus, focusing on areas with the greatest need and potential for impact, including to support recovery from coronavirus. The pilots will help establish what is required to scale up green social prescribing and the steps needed to increase patient referrals to environment and nature-based activities.


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