Date of the report
July 2024
Author of the report
Sustainability West Midlands
Purpose of the report
This report monitors West Midlands’ progress against the targets laid out in our 2030 Sustainability Roadmap. The progress is presented graphically to display the trends from the year 2010 and projections for 2030 predict the likely path for each roadmap metric. SWM’s role is to ensure that we are on track to meet the various targets and to ensure that we work with our members, networks and stakeholders to help build on best practice and provide solutions to challenges where progress is slow.
This year’s report analyses the latest available data, most of which is representative of 2021-2022. This gives us the opportunity to continue to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our sustainability-related targets, and determine whether post-pandemic data follows the trends observed pre-2020.
A summary of progress is found below, with the full report and analysis found at the foot of this page.