Understanding how behaviours can influence climate change risks

Date of the report

June 2020

Author of the report


(lead contractor) Sustainability West Midlands, London Climate Change PartnershipSniffer and Northern Ireland Environment Link (sub-contractors)

Purpose of the report

This is one of seven research projects commissioned by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) to inform the development of the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3), due for publication in 2021. This research project looked to understand how climate risks affect people’s behaviour and vice versa, taking into account different hazards, target groups, landscape types and socioeconomic circumstance. This study aimed to explore the following research questions:

  • What behaviours do different groups adopt in anticipation of or in response to a chronic or acute climate event? Do the behaviours vary by geographic region or land use type?
  • How do these behaviours impact on risk and does that change depending on the frequency or magnitude of the event?
  • Which factors influence these behaviours?
  • How can effective behaviours be further incentivised?

SWM and the other listed sub-contractors contributed to the stakeholder engagement elements of this research, including identifying and interviewing communities affected by severe weather impacts and encouraging water companies to fill in a survey. SWM was also consulted on the research methodology and we provided quality assurance for the final report. SWM is currently leading on another research project for CCRA3, focusing on improving its accessibility.

Links and contact information

Please contact SWM on 07599 658889 or at enquiries@swm.org.uk for more information.


Understanding how behaviours can influence climate change risks

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