European Space Agency (ESA) circular economy funding competition

There is still time to apply for the European Space Agency (ESA) circular economy competition, Part 3: Circular Urban Life and Part 4: Circular Waste Systems. Most organisations today operate in a linear way. A company takes resources, makes a product, and sells it to the customer, who then disposes of the product when it is no longer wanted. This model operates as though there are infinite resources and it generates a lot of waste. A circular economy, on the other hand, treats resources as though they are finite and is based on a make, use and return model. Each resource is used in a way that maximises value to the economy and minimises damage to the environment. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Cities produce 50% of global waste and 60-80% of greenhouse gas emissions. In Growth Within, a report focusing on the circular economy in Europe, it was identified that the average car is parked more than 90% of the time. Circular cities can bring huge benefits, including reduced congestion, less waste and improved air quality. The closing date for this competition is 6 August 2021 Find out more here

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