The GBSLEP recognises the scale of the decarbonisation challenge for the region, and also acknowledges the economic opportunities that clean growth, low-carbon innovation and the green economy can deliver for our region, our local communities, businesses and our people. Call for Proposals It is within this context that GBSLEP are launching a call for projects, up to project total cost of £500,000 to submit an Expression of Interest for Growing Places Funding which is open from 9am on Wednesday 29 September 2021 and closes at 5pm on Tuesday 19 October 2021. This funding is open to organisations fulfilling the criteria below which are based within the GBSLEP area. It is designed for organisations who need financial support to complete their project – this can be in the form of grant, loan or equity – to enable their organisation to either: 1) Create opportunities for young people (aged between 16 and 30) in the GBSLEP area to be engaged in decisions regarding their future, to expand their skills and to work towards a career of their choice to create a future for themselves. Projects must demonstrate they create any of the following which supports achievement of this aim: • Apprenticeships • Kickstart positions (or equivalent) • Work experience or volunteer placement • Skills (RQF levels 2, 3 and above, or equivalent) • Engagement after a period of not being in employment and education • Job safeguarded/created Or (2) Support sustainability focused interventions and drive economic growth through regional clean growth and/or climate resilience, by demonstrating your project has outputs such as: • Reduction/abatement of CO2/Greenhouse emissions • Reduction in energy use • Improved waste or resource efficiency • Creation or improvement of green spaces • Reclamation of floodplain The programme requires a minimum of 25% match funding, with matched funding applications for projects with a total project cost up to a maximum of £500,000. The key criteria are that your project demonstrates a credible ambition for your organisation to support young people and/or to support the Government’s ambition to achieve net zero by 2050 and drive Clean Growth. More details here.