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ReCognition Circular

ReCognition Circular train digitally excluded young people and those who face barriers to entering the workplace with skills to repair computers and mobile devices.
ReCognition Circular logo

ReCognition Circular support people into work, further training, or help them to set up their own business.

They provide devices and data to those in the community who cannot afford it. They support them in getting started with using the technology and to help them engage with the digital world.

They reuse materials and resources to eliminate digital waste. They repurpose and refurbish computers and mobile devices to maintain their value. They lease these out at low cost to fund their social purpose.

On their membership with SWM, they say:

“We believe that the work we do at ReCognition Circular contributes directly to making the West Midlands region more sustainable, fairer and greener for all.

“We are passionate advocates and practitioners of circular economy. We can help the existing SWM membership to maintain, repair and repurpose their computers and mobile devices. We can provide members with high performance refurbished laptops at a low monthly cost. We retain full responsibility for ensuring value is retained in devices for as long as possible and for safe disposal at end of life.”

Our primary contact is David Abosch, CEO.