14 Feb 2011
Low Carbon Economy for the West Midlands – local authority profiles
The purpose of this report was to provide a summary analysis of the opportunities presented by the transition to a low carbon economy for each of the Tier 1 local authority geographical areas in the West Midlands, and the risks presented by rising fuel prices and carbon legislation, based on the current industrial profile of each area.
External Reports
3 May 2009
Low-Carbon Economy for the West Midlands: a synthesis report
In December 2007 Advantage West Midlands (AWM) produced the West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy (WMES) 'Connecting to Success'. It has been recognised as the UK's first low-carbon economic strategy.
External Reports
18 Mar 2009
Environmental Technologies – Phase 2: Online survey findings
The potential contribution environmental technologies such as renewable energy, pollution monitoring and waste management can make to the regional economy is an area of interest for a number of RSP partners, notably AWM, the LSC and local authorities.
External Reports
18 Mar 2009
Environmental Technologies project – Phase 1: Review of secondary sources of data & intelligence
The potential contribution environmental technologies such as renewable energy, pollution monitoring and waste management can make to the regional economy is an area of interest for a number of RSP partners, notably, AWM, the LSC and local authorities.
External Reports
3 Mar 2009
Understanding the West Midlands Carbon Gap
The report aims to help policy makers in the West Midlands understand how implementing the key international, national and regional policies will affect CO₂ emissions in the region. It outlines the scale of the challenge for the region to meet its targets by 2020 and how much of the reduction will need to be driven by regional policies. It critically examines the contribution individual strategies can make in closing the carbon gap and asks what the region needs to do above and beyond the existing policies to achieve the targets outlined by them.
External Reports