Clare Ollerenshaw (Accelar, Chair of IZCWG) Nat Macaulay (JCM Contracts) Carlton Cummings (Aceleron) Pam Waddell OBE (Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands)
Purpose of the presentations
Sustainability West Midlands in partnership with the Innovation Alliance for the West Midlands convenes the Innovative Zero Carbon Working Group (IZCWG) and its associated quarterly meetings, where a cross-sector of stakeholders come together to share good practice and build cross-sector collaborative opportunities around low carbon innovation. This meeting was held jointly with the IZCWG’s sister group, the Innovative Manufacturing Working Group.
Links and Contact Information
For more information or to join the long-standing IZCWG, contact alan.carr@swm.org.uk.
JCM’s sustainability journey: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly(Nat Macaulay) A new view of energy storage (Carlton Cummings) (to come shortly) Elsewhere in the Innovation Alliance (Pam Waddell) Current funding opportunities presented: – Made Smarter Innovation: Sustainable Smart Factory – The BEIS Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) – phase 3