Taking the Temperature – Towards an NHS Response to Global Warming

Date of the report

June 2007

Author of the report

NHS Confederation

Purpose of the report

A survey by Ipsos MORI revealed that 63% of the public agree that the NHS should do more to reduce its carbon footprint, which due to the sheer scale of the NHS, is considerable.  This report asserts that this very scale offers huge potential to make a positive impact. It outlines that the NHS recognises the potential for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies and wants to take a long term view to deliver multiple health, environmental, social and economic benefits.

Relevance to the region

The report says that the key question for NHS boards to ask themselves was whether they were working collaboratively with other local leaders to tackle climate change.  The response so far has been positive and NHS bodies are also developing their climate change strategies with help from organisations like the Carbon Trust and the Sustainable Development Commission.

What SWM liked

We liked the clear conclusion that for the NHS to make rapid progress, clear leadership from the government is vital.  Although there has already been a lot of guidance and support, one clear national climate change strategy is needed.

Links and contact information



Taking the Temperature – Towards an NHS Response to Global Warming – NHS Confederation 2007 (pdf)

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