Date of the report
July 2013
Author of the report
Purpose of the report
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change. Defra has worked with businesses, local councils and community groups to develop the National Adaptation Programme which focuses on the categories outlined in the Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) which are:
- Built environment
- Infrastructure
- Healthy and resilient communities
- Agriculture and forestry
- Natural environment
- Business
- Local Government
Action outlined in the NAP is divided into the following categories:
- Raising awareness of the need for climate change adaptation
- Increasing resilience to current climate extremes
- Taking timely action for long-lead time measures
- Addressing major evidence gaps
Relevance to the region
The NAP builds on the work of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) which indicates that the West Midlands is likely to be affected by both flooding and water shortages in the near future. How we respond to and deal with these risks can be taken from the NAP, with implications relevant to the region.
What SWM liked
This report recognises the growing need for climate change adaptation in society. The risks associated with extreme weather are unpredictable, but unless prepared for can be disastrous on multiple levels. SWM like that the report looks not only at the risks brought about by a changing climate, but also the opportunity as businesses looking to adapt have a competitive advantage.
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