WMCA Environmental Priorities

Date of the resource

September 2017

Author of the resource


Purpose of the resource

Sustainability West Midlands (SWM) is the sustainability delivery partner for the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). This report is part of an ongoing support programme to help the WMCA integrate sustainability within its strategy and operations, drawing on good local and national practice. This report to the WMCA Board on the 8 September 2017, involved working with a range of SWM members and networks, and the new WMCA portfolio holder for Environment, Cllr Patrick Harley. The aim was to set out the current evidence base of where the WMCA was on sustainability, and therefore the environmental priorities and draft work plan for the WMCA.


Cllr Harley presented the paper to the full WMCA Board, which approved the paper with some discussion around the importance of sustainability not just for buildings, but the space and communities they are within, and the low carbon opportunities emerging for the WMCA from the UK Industrial Strategy. “The input of SWM has been huge in helping set our priorities” Andy Street, Mayor SWM is now working with the WMCA to secure the resources to help deliver the agreed draft plan and report progress to the Mayor and Cllr Harley at our annual conference in November.

Links and contact information

Please contact SWM on 0121 237 5890 or at enquiries@swm.org.uk for more information.


WMCA Environmental Portfolio Priorities

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