Date of report
July 2014
Local Government Association
Purpose of the report
This annual report, produced by the Local Government Association (LGA), sets out the key achievements under the Climate Local brand for local authorities over the past year. It gives examples of good practice happening within councils on climate change adaptation and mitigation in order to encourage other authorities to sign up as a signatory to the Climate Local scheme. Climate Local is an LGA initiative, supported by the Environment Agency, that drives, inspires and supports council action on climate change. Launched in June 2012, it aims to support councils both to reduce carbon emissions and to increase resilience to a changing climate. Climate Local supports local authorities in the following ways:
- Provides a platform owned and led by councils, to promote activity on climate change and demonstrate leadership locally and nationally.
- Supports local authorities to share good practice and identify other authorities undertaking similar initiatives, to support joint working and the sharing of experience and ideas.
- Provides practical tools and advice to councils on climate change issues.
- Raises the profile of carbon reduction and adaptation nationally.
What SWM liked
We like how this report provides a concise and honest reflection of what councils are doing under the Climate Local banner, as well as giving information on which authorities have signed up. It is useful to circulate to our local authority colleagues to share national good practice. It also helps SWM to encourage other local authorities who have not signed up as a Climate Local signatory to do so. We also like that it aims to focus more on adaptation in the coming months, as set out by its Forward Look chapter.
Links and contact information
For more information can be found on the LGA website or download the Climate Local Annual Report – July 2014.