Date of the report
July 2012
Author of the report
Town & Country Planning Association and The Wildlife Trusts Supported by Climate UK
Purpose of the report
To help local practitioners to deliver positive and practical solutions when planning for the future. It aims to bring together and update the wealth of information on GI in the specific context of the Localism Act 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework published in March 2012.
Relevance to the region
This report can offer advice to local planning practitioners in the region on how green infrastructure and biodiversity can be enhanced through the planning system. Examples of successful projects are provided which could be a useful resource to leaders.
What SWM liked
The report has been supported by a wide range of organisations who have specific expertise in the field of planning for green infrastructure and biodiversity, including some of our members and green leaders. The value of the natural environment is also reinforced, as well as providing readers with specific project examples. The report provides an excellent overall summary of policy and legislative context, and will be an essential resource for local practioners.
Links and Contact information
For more information visit the Town & County Planning Association website.