Socially just adaptation to climate change

Date of the report

July 2012

Author of the report

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Purpose of the report

The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of the concept of socially just adaptation. The report recognises the increased responsibility and awareness local authorities, business and communities now have on adaptation and what this means for society, but wanted to investigate how widespread this awareness is. They also wanted to investigate examples of good practice of socially just adaptation to help to demonstrate what can be achieved and implemented with the right ambitions.

Relevance to the region

This report is very relevant to the West Midlands as we aim to promote and raise awareness of adaptation across the region. We have some great examples of adaptation practice in the region, but this report highlights that more can be done and shares some important lessons for our future work.

What SWM liked

We really like the case study examples that share practical ways in which socially just adaptation can be applied. The ackowledgement that Local authority adaptation plans focus mainly on building adaptive capacity rather than delivering direct adaptation actions is really interesting and the need to focus on information sharing is a view we share and focus on through the West Midlands Climate Adaptation partnership.

Links and contact information

For more information on the work of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, visit their website. If you are interested in the work of the West Midlands Climate Adaptation Partnership, please visit our page.


Report – summary (pdf)Report – full (pdf)

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