17 Jan 2018
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS): Fit for the Future II
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) commissioned SWM to analyse LEP, combined authority and city region progress and appetite to tackle climate change, embrace a low carbon economy and reduce carbon emissions.
Completed Project

18 Jul 2017
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: Sustainability and Resilience Action Plan
SWM worked with Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to develop a Sustainability & Resilience Action Plan.
Completed Project

17 Jul 2017
Staffordshire County Council: Bringing to life the sustainability agenda in Staffordshire
Staffordshire County Council (SCC) commissioned SWM to reinvigorate the sustainability agenda across the authority by convening a workshop that took place on 6 June 2017 that brought together staff from across the council as well as writing a report that reflected progress to date, recommendations for future activity and good practice examples from elsewhere.
Completed Project

10 Jul 2017
Environment Agency: Flood community engagement plan: Initiation workshop
The Environment Agency (EA) commissioned SWM to convene a workshop that took place on 30 March 2017, bringing together staff from across the West Midlands area to begin the development of a Strategic Community Engagement Plan that aims to help the organisation effectively target communities at risk of flooding.
Completed Project

8 Jul 2017
Energy Systems Catapult: Engaging with LEPs and the energy agenda
The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) commissioned SWM to undertake a review of energy and low carbon activity and commitments in all 38 LEPs in England.
Completed Project

28 Apr 2017
NHS Sustainable Development Unit: Sustainability review of reusable sharps containers
SWM were commissioned by the SDU to provide a sustainability review of reusable sharps containers from by Sharpsmart, using University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) as a case study.
Completed Project

20 Apr 2017
Severn Trent: Review of Corporate Responsibility Report
Severn Trent commissioned SWM to provide an independent review of their Corporate Responsibility report, along with a wider review of communications materials associated with Corporate Responsibility.
Completed Project

11 Apr 2017
Climate-KIC: Audit report of UK climate-related innovation networks and clusters
Climate-KIC commissioned SWM to undertake an audit report of UK climate-related innovation networks and clusters. It aimed to identify where in the UK there are existing climate innovation strengths and where there is potential for establishing new ones.
Completed Project

1 Dec 2016
Environment Agency: Fit for the Future?
This project assessed the commitments of all 39 LEPs in England to reducing carbon emissions, stimulating a low carbon economy and adapting to climate change. The report provided a benchmark of each LEP against each of these three metrics and discussed geographical progression patterns.
Completed Project

1 Dec 2016
Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP: Allocating European low carbon funding
Supporting GBSLEP in identifying partners, collaborations and opportunities for the low carbon strand of the European Structural Investment Fund (ERDF).
Completed Project

1 Nov 2016
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB): Independent review of Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan
Independent review of Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan for University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (August 2015)
Completed Project

9 Aug 2016
Environment Agency and Defra: Climate Resilient SME workshops
Using the Healthcheck to achieve resilience is simple and easy to use, and covers a broader range of considerations beyond risk solely from climate change and weather.
Completed Project

9 Aug 2016
Midcounties Co-operative: Independent Social Responsibility review
Since 2011 SWM has acted as an independent critical friend to the Midcounties Co-operative providing an annual review of their Social Responsibility Report, highlighting areas of good practice and challenging them to be the best in class when it comes to sustainable co-operatives.
Completed Project

9 Jan 2016
Environment Agency and Defra: Climate Resilient Communities
Our Resilient Communities Conference allowed for a wide variety of audiences to come together to share good practice around developing community resilience schemes, the tools and support available to help and ask questions of experts in the room.
Completed Project

3 Aug 2015
West Midlands Regional Development Agency (Advantage West Midlands): Sustainable Development Action Plan
Sustainable development is a complex agenda, how can it be interpreted and practically applied by regional, public sector organizations? SWM set out to answer this question in the context of Advantage West Midlands (AWM). The aim of this was to help build the understanding, confidence, and capacity of regional organizations to practically integrate sustainable development into their strategic and operational processes.
Completed Project