22 Dec 2021
National Lottery Heritage Fund: Embedding sustainability principles into the heritage sector
This project concluded nearly four years of support to the Heritage Fund, the overarching outcome being the full embedment of sustainability across the organisation, both through staff training and the development of a framework to allow staff to assess applications for their sustainability credentials in a consistent way in future.
Completed Project

18 Nov 2021
Climate Change Committee: Improving the accessibility of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment -Part 2
Part two of this project, which provides support to the Climate Change Committee on improving the accessibility of outputs associated with the Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk, focused on producing outputs that considers the above advice, to bring thousands of pages of text to life and make the key findings and messages clearer, more digestible and understood by the primary audience, which is central Government.
Completed Project

25 Oct 2021
City of Wolverhampton Council: Climate Emergency Toolkit and Employee Climate Change Summit
SWM worked with the City of Wolverhampton Council to produce an employee Climate Emergency Toolkit to help them tackle the climate emergency.
Completed Project

5 Aug 2021
Leicestershire County Council’s Business Gateway Growth Hub: Net Zero Webinars
SWM were commissioned by the Leicestershire City Council's Business Gateway Growth Hub to present and facilitate a series of net zero focused webinars for SMEs.
Completed Project

17 Jun 2021
Midlands Net Zero Hub: Midlands Low Carbon Sector Study 2021
SWM and kMatrix were commissioned by the Midlands Energy Hub to provide an evidence-based study to understand the current state of the Low Carbon Environmental Goods & Services (LCEGS) Sector in the Midlands, where support is needed to help grow this sector, and the role the sector can play in driving a low-carbon recovery from Covid-19.
Completed Project

5 May 2021
The Binding Site: Sustainability Advice
SWM were commissioned to review current sustainability practice and produce a Sustainability Strategy including appropriate targets, and Action Plan plan.
Completed Project

7 Sep 2020
Worcester City Council: Sustainability Strategy & Online Engagement Workshops
SWM worked with Worcester City Council to develop their draft sustainability strategy, supported by three online workshops to engage with elected members, businesses, other organisations, and residents.
Completed Project

17 Aug 2020
City of Wolverhampton Council: Climate Emergency support Part 2 – Workshops for staff and Councillors
SWM provided support to City of Wolverhampton Council to help them address the climate emergency, by running four virtual workshops for staff and Councillors and contributing to a fifth session for young people.
Completed Project

15 Jun 2020
Climate Change Committee: Improving the accessibility of the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment – Part 1
SWM provided advice to the Committee on Climate Change on how to improve the accessibility of the the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report, due for publication next year. The project looked at better use of communications, providing engagement opportunities and reframing of outputs.
Completed Project

15 May 2020
National Lottery Heritage Fund: Sustainability webinar for Heritage Fund staff and applicants
This project brought to a head over two years of support to the Heritage Fund as we ran a webinar for around 65 staff and potential grantees on how sustainability aspects can be better embedded into funding applications.
Completed Project

6 May 2020
City of Wolverhampton Council: Climate Emergency support Part 1: Sustainability Strategy & Action Plan Review
City of Wolverhampton Council commissioned SWM to provide an independent review of their draft sustainability strategy and action plan, the methodology for calculating their carbon footprint, and input to their citizens assembly.
Completed Project

5 May 2020
Midlands Net Zero Hub: Midlands Energy Hub Board
SWM have been on the board of the Midlands Energy Hub since it's establishment in 2018. Working in partnership with the UK Government through BEIS, the Midlands Energy Hub is supporting the delivery of a carbon neutral Britain at a local and regional level.
Completed Project

5 May 2020
Midlands Net Zero Hub: Rural Community Energy Fund
SWM have been on the board of the Midlands Energy Hub since it’s establishment in 2018. The Hub oversee delivery of the Rural Community Energy Fund across the Midlands.
Completed Project

2 Apr 2020
Warwick District Council: Heat Networks Project Manager
SWM were commissioned by the council to oversee procurement and monitor and evaluate the work of technical consultants assessing the feasibility of two district heating networks.
Completed Project

14 Feb 2020
Climate Change Committee: How does people’s behaviour affect their response to extreme weather events?
This project looked at how people have reacted to extreme weather and why, and what behaviours people and communities demonstrate when they are preparing for, responding to and recovering from an extreme weather event.
Completed Project

7 Aug 2019
National Lottery Heritage Fund: Ensuring our heritage is Fit for the Future
SWM has been commissioned to provide sustainability appraisals of applications for grant funding to the National Lottery Heritage Fund
Completed Project

31 Jul 2019
Cheshire East Council: Supporting Cheshire East’s move from carbon neutral ambition to action and delivery
Cheshire East Council sought support from SWM to help facilitate a workshop for Councillors and senior council leaders to enable them to consider how they can meet their carbon neutral targets and fulfill their climate emergency declaration.
Completed Project

21 Feb 2019
Worcestershire LEP: Worcestershire Energy Strategy – stakeholder engagement
SWM, in partnership with Encraft, was commissioned by Worcestershire LEP to provide stakeholder engagement support to help develop their BEIS-funded energy strategy.
Completed Project

11 Feb 2019
Greater Norwich Authorities: Best practice in heat and power solutions driving economic growth
The aim of the project was to deliver four high-level case studies explaining key projects from around the UK that have demonstrated the development of local energy infrastructure. This task involved reviewing strategies, journal reports and wider information to determine the necessary information and provide key recommendations for Greater Norwich.
Completed Project

13 Dec 2018
Black Country Technical Assistance: Delivering workshops to help support applications to ERDF Funds in the Black Country
SWM was commissioned to organise and facilitate a series of workshop events to deliver information on a range of topics relating to ERDF Funding.
Completed Project

16 Oct 2018
National Lottery Heritage Fund: Embedding sustainability into Heritage Lottery Fund operations and grant assessments
HLF commissioned SWM to convene a series of national workshops for staff so that they can become more knowledgeable about sustainability and therefore more confident how to assess the credentials of grantee applications.
Completed Project

20 Sep 2018
The Marches LEP: Energy Strategy – Stakeholder engagement
SWM supported the Marches LEP with stakeholder engagement to help develop their BEIS-funded energy strategy ensuring that it builds on local strengths and opportunities.
Completed Project

17 Jul 2018
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College, South Leicestershire College and Midlands Academies Trust: Embedding sustainability across North Warwickshire and Hinckley College
North Warwickshire and Hinckley College commissioned SWM to reinvigorate the sustainability agenda across the institute by convening a workshop that brought together staff from across the college, as well as writing a report that reflected progress to date, recommendations for future activity and good practice examples from elsewhere.
Completed Project

21 May 2018
Stoke & Staffordshire Energy Strategy: Stakeholder engagement
SWM, in partnership with Encraft, was commissioned by Stoke & Staffordshire LEP to provide stakeholder engagement support to help develop their BEIS-funded energy strategy.
Completed Project