26 Jul 2013
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games the legacy: Sustainable procurement for projects
The report highlights key instruction on the procurement of sustainable buildings and infrastructure. The Olympic Delivery Authority published their Sustainable Development Strategy a year after winning the bid for the games. It was intended to act as a catalyst for industry to deliver improvements in economic, social and environmental sustainability with the hope that these lessons would be spread across the UK. The report now looks to local authorities to deliver growth in a sustainable way using the framework highlighted in the report.
External Reports

3 Jul 2013
The National Adaptation Programme: Making the country resilient to a changing climate
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
External Reports

8 May 2013
Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Best Practice Guide
Defra has published a guide to both explain the key principles of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and to help with the implementation of such services.
External Reports

6 Mar 2010
Health Effects of Climate Change in the West Midlands
This project was funded by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as part of the Regional Climate Change Partnerships (RCCP) programme.
External Reports