West Midlands Environmental Priorities Review

Date of the report

July 2010

Author of the report

West Midlands Leaders Board and Advantage West Midlands with support from WYG and terra consultancies.

Purpose of the report

At the beginning of April 2010 the West Midlands Leaders Board (WMLB) and Advantage West Midlands (AWM), as the then regional responsible authorities, commissioned WYG Environment to provide a critical assessment of key environmental topics set out in the West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy (WMRSS) and West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy (RES). The aim of this review was to develop a small range of options for the integration of key environment topics and issues for consideration into a single Regional Strategy or similar, in the context of the former WMRSS and RES.

Relevance to the region

The report makes some solid recommendations relating to environmental priorities, which are tailored to the region and can be used to take the agenda forward.

What SWM liked

We liked the thematic reoccurrence for the need to take a collaborative, cross boundary approach to working with different sectors and organisations, as this is what Sustainability West Midlands aim to facilitate!


Please email Carol.somper@wyg.com for more information.  


West Midlands Environmental Priorities Review (pdf)

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