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Can you help Birmingham become a Net Zero city?


24 May 2023


11:00 – 13:00


Online via MS Teams


Birmingham City Council

Can you help Birmingham become a Net Zero city?

The Event

Birmingham City Council invites you to take part in a forum to discuss how we can all help Birmingham on its journey to becoming a Net Zero city.

Birmingham, like most cities throughout the world is reliant on fossil fuels (i.e. gas and electric) for energy. Whilst these fossil fuels have powered our city for years, they have contributed to dangerous levels of global warming which threatens the livelihoods of many in the city and around the world. In fact, Birmingham’s emissions footprint is so significant that it is roughly equal to the whole of Iceland or South Sudan.

The council has taken an ambitious step of setting a target date of 2030 for the city to get to Net Zero. Net Zero means that the amount of greenhouse gases produced in Birmingham is equal to the amount absorbed out of our atmosphere. 

Net Zero is a huge ambition which will involve everyone, and the council cannot achieve it alone. Because of this, they are working hard to understand how best to engage residents, businesses, and communities to achieve this goal. A team from Birmingham City Council are taking on this challenge by working on a draft Net Zero engagement strategy for Birmingham.


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