12 Mar 2012
The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure
The report outlines the different functions of green infrastructure (GI), in terms of four broad roles that it performs.
External Reports

29 Dec 2011
Portrait of the West Midlands
The report provides an overview of the socio-economic characteristics of the West Midlands region. It covers a wide range of indicators from population to crime to the environment.
External Reports

23 Dec 2011
Using behavioural insights for more sustainable transport
The Department for Transport published a Behavioural Insights Toolkit, providing practical, step-by-step guidance on how to design more effective sustainable transport initiatives using insights from behavioural theory and social research evidence.
External Reports

23 Dec 2011
Green game-changers – 50 innovations to inspire business transformation
As a part of WWF's 50th anniversary, they have brought together 50 'Green game-changers', a selection of inspirational examples from around the world on how businesses and entrepreneurs are turning environmental challenges as a catalyst for innovation.
External Reports

21 Dec 2011
Enabling the Transition to the Green Economy – Government and Business Working Together
This report sets out a range of policy tools which the government are using to support the transition to the green economy, the opportunities that are created and the implications for the way in which businesses operate.
External Reports

5 Dec 2011
Green Business Club Good Practice Guide
Date of the report December 2011 Authors Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the report This guide developed by Sustainability West…
Our Reports & Guides

28 Nov 2011
Going Green: How local authorities can encourage the take-up of lower-carbon vehicles
Local authorities have opportunities through their planning, traffic management and transport powers to influence, or 'nudge', the use of (U)LCVs in their respective areas. The RAC Foundation sought explore what these powers are, the level of appetite among local authorities for using them, and what experience of their use had been gained so far, both in the UK and continental Europe.
External Reports

1 Nov 2011
Skills for a green economy – A report on the evidence
This project results from recommendations made in the skills strategy for England, Skills for Sustainable Growth. The work was undertaken with the aims of identifying the skills needed to support the transition to a strong and sustainable green economy; and assessing evidence of employer demand and potential responses from the skills system which will lead to these skills being delivered. The overarching purpose for this report is to assist businesses and the agencies which support them in the clear articulation of skills needs related to the green economy: a role for the government repeatedly identified from consultation with industry.
External Reports

1 Oct 2011
Is localism delivering for climate change?
This report explores whether local authorities are continuing to work on climate change, how action is being encouraged and what potential local enterprise partnerships (LEPs), local nature partnerships (LNPs) and neighbourhood planning offer for strengthening local action on climate change.
External Reports

6 Jul 2011
Woodland for Water: Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive objectives
To present evidence which will help promote effective woodland planning and be part of the solution to achieving good water status. It is timely, as it follows on from the establishment of the Woodland Carbon Task Force which aims to realise Government's desire for increased woodland planting in England to help meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments. Similarly, in Wales, the recently announced Glastir scheme provides additional incentive for woodland creation.
External Reports

12 May 2011
West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020
To provide a one page summary bringing together our work on the challenges faced by the West Midlands, our report 'West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020' and our vision document, 'A low carbon vision for the West Midlands in 2020'.
Our Reports & Guides

20 Dec 2009
State of the natural environment in the West Midlands
The aim of this report is to highlight the state of the natural environment in the West Midlands, which provides an essential regional asset and foundation for our economic and social well- being.
External Reports

18 Jul 2008
Exploring Ecological Footprints
This report helps to begin explain what the wider impacts of the West Midlands supply chain is on carbon emissions and the ecology of the region.
External Reports

18 Jun 2007
Taking the Temperature – Towards an NHS Response to Global Warming
A survey by Ipsos MORI revealed that 63% of the public agree that the NHS should do more to reduce its carbon footprint, which due to the sheer scale of the NHS, is considerable. This report asserts that this very scale offers huge potential to make a positive impact. It outlines that the NHS recognises the potential for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies and wants to take a long term view to deliver multiple health, environmental, social and economic benefits.
External Reports

18 Dec 2006
Are UK Businesses Climate Proof?
This report was produced by climate risk management specialists Acclimatise in association with the UK Climate Impacts Programme. It highlights that British businesses have little understanding of the likely consequences of climate change and are badly prepared to respond to its impact.
External Reports

25 Mar 2004
The Value of Public Space: How high quality parks and public spaces create economic, social and environmental value
This report highlights how public spaces are often neglected and unkempt-a fact that contributes to a widespread dissatisfaction with urban life.
External Reports