Social Equity and Health
Addressing health inequality to give everyone an equal opportunity in life

Health Inequality
Our target (1): By 2030, achieve a 40% reduction in male and female health inequality from 2019 levels
Current male health inequality rate (based on latest available data from the Department for Health and Social Care from 2020) is 8 years, a 1.3% increase since 2019
Current female health inequality rate (based on the same dataset from 2020) is 6.8 years, a 7.9% increase since 2019
Progress: We currently rate progress on achieving our target as:

The trend since 2010 is shown below. Use the arrows to switch between female and male data.
Fuel Poverty
Our target (2): To reduce the proportion of households in fuel poverty by 50% from the 2019 levels across the West Midlands by 2030.
Current proportion of households in fuel poverty (based on latest available data from DESNZ from 2022) is 18.1%, which is 2 percentage points higher than in 2019.
Progress: We currently rate progress on achieving our target as:

The trend since 2011 is shown below.

Consult the latest roadmap report for more details on this theme, how the target was derived and further background and information.
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