26 Jul 2013
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games the legacy: Sustainable procurement for projects
The report highlights key instruction on the procurement of sustainable buildings and infrastructure. The Olympic Delivery Authority published their Sustainable Development Strategy a year after winning the bid for the games. It was intended to act as a catalyst for industry to deliver improvements in economic, social and environmental sustainability with the hope that these lessons would be spread across the UK. The report now looks to local authorities to deliver growth in a sustainable way using the framework highlighted in the report.
External Reports

5 Jul 2013
Executive Summary – Building Business Resilience Programme
In 2012-13 the West Midlands Climate Adaptation Partnership, Sustainability West Midlands (SWM) and Staffordshire Business Environment Network (Sben) undertook the second year of the ‘Building Business Resilience in a Changing Climate’ project with the Environment Agency. The main aims of the project were to build on the successful work of the pilot phase and continue to raise the profile of business in the West Midlands by delivering in depth climate change resilience workshops, promoting good practice examples, and working directly with businesses and their supply chains. The following document evaluates the project in summary.
Our Reports & Guides

3 Jul 2013
The National Adaptation Programme: Making the country resilient to a changing climate
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
External Reports

8 May 2013
Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Best Practice Guide
Defra has published a guide to both explain the key principles of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and to help with the implementation of such services.
External Reports

1 May 2013
Exploring sub-national support for climate change and sustainability
Date of the resource May 2013 Author of the resource Sustainability East (the equivalent of SWM in the East of…
External Reports

30 Apr 2013
‘Building Business Resilience’ – April 2013 (Coventry)
Date of presentations 25 April 2013 Authors Dr Simon Slater, Sustainability West Midlands Alan Carr, Staffordshire County Council Peter Clarke,…
Our Events & Presentations

20 Apr 2013
‘Sprint or Marathon? Sustainability lessons learnt from the 2012 Olympic Park’ – April 2013
Author of the presentation Peter Braithwaite – Chair of Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the presentationThis presentation was given at…
Our Events & Presentations

19 Apr 2013
‘Building Business Resilience’ – April 2013 (Telford)
Date of presentations 17 April 2013 Authors Dr Simon Slater, Sustainability West Midlands Andy Whyle, BESST Emma Walker, Environment Agency…
Our Events & Presentations

22 Mar 2013
‘Building Business Resilience’ – March 2013 (Birmingham)
Date of presentations 14 March 2013 Authors Dr Simon Slater, Sustainability West Midlands Kirsten Kane, Birmingham Airport Melanie Weaver, Birmingham…
Our Events & Presentations

9 Mar 2013
An independent National Adaptation Programme for England
This policy brief contributes to the National Adaptation Programme by offering an analytical framework and formulating a rational basis for thinking about adaptation. It identifies main climate vulnerabilities in the UK at present, discusses adaptation priorities, and reviews the role of government and policy in adaptation. The report concludes with an illustrative set of actions for the government to take forward into the National Adaptation Programme.
External Reports

2 Jan 2013
The Socio-Economic Performance of the West Midlands in terms of the Low Carbon Economy
The West Midlands low carbon evidence base used to inform the socio-economic framework and evidence base for the future EU funding programme.
Our Reports & Guides

11 Dec 2012
Climate change – is the UK preparing for flooding and water scarcity?
The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) has a statutory duty to report regularly to Parliament on the UK Government's progress in delivering its adaptation programme. In their first two reports, ASC developed and piloted a toolkit to assess progress in preparing for climate change, including use of adaptation indicators. In this report the Adaptation Sub-Committee apply the toolkit at a national level to two of the largest risks to emerge from the UK's first Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA): flooding and water scarcity.
External Reports

19 Nov 2012
Walking and Cycling: Local measures to promote walking and cycling as forms of travel or recreation
This guidance sets out how people can be encouraged to increase the amount they walk or cycle for travel or recreation purposes. This will help meet public health and other goals (for instance, to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions).
External Reports

13 Nov 2012
Executive Summary: A review of progress towards an environmentally sustainable and socially just West Midlands
This report is aimed at our members, green leaders and other leaders from the business, public and voluntary sectors in the West Midlands. It is to help inform them of the current collective progress against the seven sustainability priorities to deliver our vision for 2020.
Our Reports & Guides

13 Nov 2012
West Midlands Low Carbon Investment Prospectus
The purpose of this report was to highlight the collective strengths in the low carbon economy across the six Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in the West Midlands and the scale of low carbon investment opportunities.
Our Reports & Guides

14 Jul 2012
Planning for a Healthy Environment- Good Practice Guidance for Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity
To help local practitioners to deliver positive and practical solutions when planning for the future. It aims to bring together and update the wealth of information on GI in the specific context of the Localism Act 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework published in March 2012.
External Reports

12 Jul 2012
Socially just adaptation to climate change
The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of the concept of socially just adaptation. The report recognises the increased responsibility and awareness local authorities, business and communities now have on adaptation and what this means for society, but wanted to investigate how widespread this awareness is. They also wanted to investigate examples of good practice of socially just adaptation to help to demonstrate what can be achieved and implemented with the right ambitions.
External Reports

13 May 2012
Low Carbon Procurement Guides
The following documents were produced as part of our Low Carbon Economy Programme, focusing on procurement for local authorities. They draw together current good practice guidance on sustainable procurement with specifications developed for catering, IT, built environment and vehicles. The documents are intended to be used as guidance for reference purposes by procurement staff and other professionals.
Our Reports & Guides

29 Mar 2012
The Midcounties Co-operative and UKCIP’s Adaptation Wizard
This case study summarises the work Midcounties undertook with UKCIP to plan how to adapt to climate change using the methodology outlined in the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard.
External Case Studies

25 Mar 2012
A guide to understanding the embodied impacts of construction products
Date of the report March 2012 Author of the report Construction Products Association Purpose of the report This guide aims…
External Reports

12 Mar 2012
The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure
The report outlines the different functions of green infrastructure (GI), in terms of four broad roles that it performs.
External Reports

29 Dec 2011
Portrait of the West Midlands
The report provides an overview of the socio-economic characteristics of the West Midlands region. It covers a wide range of indicators from population to crime to the environment.
External Reports

23 Dec 2011
Using behavioural insights for more sustainable transport
The Department for Transport published a Behavioural Insights Toolkit, providing practical, step-by-step guidance on how to design more effective sustainable transport initiatives using insights from behavioural theory and social research evidence.
External Reports

23 Dec 2011
Green game-changers – 50 innovations to inspire business transformation
As a part of WWF's 50th anniversary, they have brought together 50 'Green game-changers', a selection of inspirational examples from around the world on how businesses and entrepreneurs are turning environmental challenges as a catalyst for innovation.
External Reports