23 Dec 2011
Using behavioural insights for more sustainable transport
The Department for Transport published a Behavioural Insights Toolkit, providing practical, step-by-step guidance on how to design more effective sustainable transport initiatives using insights from behavioural theory and social research evidence.
External Reports
20 Dec 2011
Earnings, jobs and innovation: the role of recycling in a green economy
This report aims to examine the economic benefits of recycling by considering the recycling industry in the context of building a 'green economy'.
External Reports
24 Sep 2011
Green and Growth: solutions for growing a green economy
The aim of this report is to set out short- and long-term proposals for growing a green economy. The report highlights that many manufacturing companies see opportunities in a low carbon economy, details objectives for growing a green economy, looks at the barriers to realising this and makes some short-and long-term recommendations that are intended to help to overcome the barriers.
External Reports
12 May 2011
West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020
To provide a one page summary bringing together our work on the challenges faced by the West Midlands, our report 'West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020' and our vision document, 'A low carbon vision for the West Midlands in 2020'.
Our Reports & Guides
7 Feb 2011
West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020
This report sets the priorities to achieve our vision for a sustainable West Midlands. We will continue to use these priorities in shaping our sustainability policy advice to leaders in the West Midlands, cross-sector events with our members to develop solutions, and sharing good practice.
Our Reports & Guides
1 Feb 2011
Making Sustainable Lives Easier: A Priority for Governments, Business and Society
This report sets out what is needed, from governments and others, to help enable us all to live sustainable lives in our homes and communities. The report finds that government initiatives to help people live more sustainably lack ambition and direction, and are too timid given the scale and urgency of the challenge. Although increasing numbers of people try to 'do the right thing', we are still a long way from living sustainably; and those who do make an effort often find themselves swimming against the tide of society's norms.
External Reports
22 Dec 2010
Low Carbon Coventry 2020: A vision for transforming our city
Author of the report Coventry 2020 Low Carbon Task Group Date of the report 2 December 2010 Purpose of the…
External Reports
25 Oct 2010
Benefits of green infrastructure: Report to Defra and CLG
Date of the report October 2010 Author of the report Forestry Commission Purpose of the report Today’s urban policy must…
External Reports
11 Jul 2010
Making Sense of Going Green – Small Businesses and the Low Carbon Economy
Whilst the twin threats of climate change and increasing energy prices bring challenges for our economy they also bring opportunities that can allow our 4.8 million small businesses to contribute to a greener economy, enjoy lower energy costs and benefit from new opportunities in a low carbon economy.
External Reports
31 Mar 2010
Roadmap 2020: Sustainable Development Priorities for the West Midlands Workshop
This presentation was given by Dr Simon Slater, SWM and Stephen Owen, URSUS and SWM on 30 March as part of the Roadmap for a sustainable region in 2020 project.
Our Events & Presentations
3 May 2009
Low-Carbon Economy for the West Midlands: a synthesis report
In December 2007 Advantage West Midlands (AWM) produced the West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy (WMES) 'Connecting to Success'. It has been recognised as the UK's first low-carbon economic strategy.
External Reports
3 Mar 2009
Understanding the West Midlands Carbon Gap
The report aims to help policy makers in the West Midlands understand how implementing the key international, national and regional policies will affect CO₂ emissions in the region. It outlines the scale of the challenge for the region to meet its targets by 2020 and how much of the reduction will need to be driven by regional policies. It critically examines the contribution individual strategies can make in closing the carbon gap and asks what the region needs to do above and beyond the existing policies to achieve the targets outlined by them.
External Reports
3 Jan 2009
Evidence of Success: Low Carbon Regional Economic Strategy
In December 2007 Advantage West Midlands (AWM) produced on behalf of the West Midlands, a new Regional Economic Strategy: 'Connecting to Success'. Hailed as a landmark strategy, 'Connecting to Success' has been formally recognised as the UK's first low-carbon economic strategy and has established AWM as a leader amongst the regions. This summary document explains the process that AWM embarked upon with its partners to produce the UK's first low-carbon economic strategy.
External Reports
18 Jul 2008
Exploring Ecological Footprints
This report helps to begin explain what the wider impacts of the West Midlands supply chain is on carbon emissions and the ecology of the region.
External Reports
24 Apr 2008
Improving infrastructure: Heat mapping and decentralised energy feasibility study
This study was undertaken in response to the recent Energy White Paper which asked Regional Development Agencies to identify opportunities as to how they could bring forward decentralised energy projects. This report presents the findings of work on heat mapping and decentralised energy.
External Reports
3 Nov 2007
Culture and climate change in the West Midlands
The report aims to raise awareness amongst those working in the cultural sectors as to the relationship between culture and climate change and the implications of climate change to these sectors in the West Midlands. The report includes new ideas of how to use the cultural sectors to raise public awareness of climate adaption within the West Midlands.
External Reports
18 Oct 2007
Low Carbon Evidence Base for the West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy
Advantage West Midlands (AWM) has commissioned a programme of work to underpin its work on producing the UK's first low carbon Regional Economic Strategy. This programme included, among other work streams, the development of an evidence base to support the "low carbon" components of the new West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy (WMES) and an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the economy of the West Midlands.
External Reports
3 Jun 2006
Carbon Neutrality & the West Midlands city region
The Lunar Society provided a forum for well-informed discussion on Climate Change, and how the West Midlands has the capacity to effectively engage with the issue, coordinating local action with national lobbying in order to adapt to its consequences.
External Reports
9 Apr 2006
Towards a carbon neutral city region
West Midlands Metropolitan District Leaders and Chief Executives commissioned Levett-Therivel to write this report to assess the current draft of the City Region Development (CRDP) to provide a cross-cutting piece for the front of the CRDP which indicates how the CRDP will provide a framework to address climate change and move towards carbon neutrality.
External Reports