3 Dec 2015
SWM 2020 Roadmap Monitoring Report – 2015
The purpose of this report is to provide evidence to policy makers within the West Midlands on progress on the sustainability economic, social and environmental goals and priorities for the region set out in the West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020.
Our Reports & Guides

25 Nov 2015
WMCA Powers and Activities – Draft Sustainability Review
Our initial draft sustainability review of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) proposed powers and activities as set out in November 2015.
Our Reports & Guides

21 Oct 2015
The Guide to National Sustainability Award Schemes
The purpose of this guide is to help organisations in the West Midlands to identify and target national sustainability award schemes that will showcase their good practice.
Our Reports & Guides

20 Oct 2015
SWM Annual Conference 2015: Sustainability and the West Midlands Combined Authority
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 19 October 2015 with keynote presentation from Jonathon Porritt, the inspirational writer, commentator, author and co-founder of the sustainability development think tank Forum for the Future
Our Events & Presentations

31 Jul 2015
The Future We Made: Birmingham and the West Midlands Futures Toolkit 2020-2060
This report and slide pack is aimed at local decision-makers operating within the West Midlands area who want tools to help start a useful conversation about the future within their organisation systems and culture.
Our Reports & Guides

9 Apr 2015
Local Authority Benchmark Report 2014
Local authority reports resulting from the benchmarking exercise in 2014. Focus on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and the move to a low carbon economy.
Our Reports & Guides

1 Dec 2014
SWM Annual Conference 2014: New Connections – Global Climate Change and the Local Environment
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 25 November 2014 with keynote presentation from Joan Walley, Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee and MP for Stoke-on-Trent North.
Our Events & Presentations

13 Oct 2014
Better Growth Better Climate Report
This study is one of the first to look at the impacts on economic growth of the proposed preventative measures and concludes this will not just bring economic benefits in the future but also in the present.
External Reports

24 Sep 2014
WM Green Communities Network Launch
This event marked the launch of the brand new West Midlands Green Communities Network (WMGCN).
Our Events & Presentations

23 Sep 2014
West Midlands – Low Carbon and Emissions Vehicles Procurement Guidance
Date of the report September 2014 Author of the report Co-ordinated by Coventry City Council on behalf of the West…
Our Reports & Guides

20 Aug 2014
Birmingham Energy Strategy – Evidence Base
This report provides the evidence base to develop Birmingham's first energy strategy. This is also of use to other cities producing similar strategies as the expert advice on scenarios, priorities, and review of global good practice is very transferable.
Our Reports & Guides

9 Jul 2013
SWM – Sustainability Definitions
The world of sustainability consists of a variety of terms ranging from the philosophical to the technical. In our resources we seek to explain the relevant terms within the text, footnotes or through a glossary. However the entry level for many of our customers is through the introduction, as well as the project and report pages of our website.
Our Reports & Guides

3 Jul 2013
The National Adaptation Programme: Making the country resilient to a changing climate
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
External Reports

2 Jan 2013
The Socio-Economic Performance of the West Midlands in terms of the Low Carbon Economy
The West Midlands low carbon evidence base used to inform the socio-economic framework and evidence base for the future EU funding programme.
Our Reports & Guides

19 Nov 2012
Walking and Cycling: Local measures to promote walking and cycling as forms of travel or recreation
This guidance sets out how people can be encouraged to increase the amount they walk or cycle for travel or recreation purposes. This will help meet public health and other goals (for instance, to reduce traffic congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions).
External Reports

13 Nov 2012
Executive Summary: A review of progress towards an environmentally sustainable and socially just West Midlands
This report is aimed at our members, green leaders and other leaders from the business, public and voluntary sectors in the West Midlands. It is to help inform them of the current collective progress against the seven sustainability priorities to deliver our vision for 2020.
Our Reports & Guides

13 Nov 2012
West Midlands Low Carbon Investment Prospectus
The purpose of this report was to highlight the collective strengths in the low carbon economy across the six Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in the West Midlands and the scale of low carbon investment opportunities.
Our Reports & Guides

13 May 2012
Low Carbon Procurement Guides
The following documents were produced as part of our Low Carbon Economy Programme, focusing on procurement for local authorities. They draw together current good practice guidance on sustainable procurement with specifications developed for catering, IT, built environment and vehicles. The documents are intended to be used as guidance for reference purposes by procurement staff and other professionals.
Our Reports & Guides

23 Dec 2011
Using behavioural insights for more sustainable transport
The Department for Transport published a Behavioural Insights Toolkit, providing practical, step-by-step guidance on how to design more effective sustainable transport initiatives using insights from behavioural theory and social research evidence.
External Reports

28 Nov 2011
Going Green: How local authorities can encourage the take-up of lower-carbon vehicles
Local authorities have opportunities through their planning, traffic management and transport powers to influence, or 'nudge', the use of (U)LCVs in their respective areas. The RAC Foundation sought explore what these powers are, the level of appetite among local authorities for using them, and what experience of their use had been gained so far, both in the UK and continental Europe.
External Reports

12 May 2011
West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020
To provide a one page summary bringing together our work on the challenges faced by the West Midlands, our report 'West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020' and our vision document, 'A low carbon vision for the West Midlands in 2020'.
Our Reports & Guides

7 Feb 2011
West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020
This report sets the priorities to achieve our vision for a sustainable West Midlands. We will continue to use these priorities in shaping our sustainability policy advice to leaders in the West Midlands, cross-sector events with our members to develop solutions, and sharing good practice.
Our Reports & Guides

1 Feb 2011
Making Sustainable Lives Easier: A Priority for Governments, Business and Society
This report sets out what is needed, from governments and others, to help enable us all to live sustainable lives in our homes and communities. The report finds that government initiatives to help people live more sustainably lack ambition and direction, and are too timid given the scale and urgency of the challenge. Although increasing numbers of people try to 'do the right thing', we are still a long way from living sustainably; and those who do make an effort often find themselves swimming against the tide of society's norms.
External Reports

22 Dec 2010
Low Carbon Coventry 2020: A vision for transforming our city
Author of the report Coventry 2020 Low Carbon Task Group Date of the report 2 December 2010 Purpose of the…
External Reports