21 Oct 2015
The Guide to National Sustainability Award Schemes
The purpose of this guide is to help organisations in the West Midlands to identify and target national sustainability award schemes that will showcase their good practice.
Our Reports & Guides

20 Oct 2015
SWM Annual Conference 2015: Sustainability and the West Midlands Combined Authority
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 19 October 2015 with keynote presentation from Jonathon Porritt, the inspirational writer, commentator, author and co-founder of the sustainability development think tank Forum for the Future
Our Events & Presentations

31 Jul 2015
The Future We Made: Birmingham and the West Midlands Futures Toolkit 2020-2060
This report and slide pack is aimed at local decision-makers operating within the West Midlands area who want tools to help start a useful conversation about the future within their organisation systems and culture.
Our Reports & Guides

2 Jul 2015
The Committee on Climate Change – Progress on adaptation and mitigation in the UK
The Committee on Climate Change has published a landmark joint report that analyses the UK's progress in tackling both the causes and consequences of climate change.
External Reports

12 May 2015
NHS Sustainability Network: Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector Workshop
60% of the NHS England total carbon footprint is associated with procurement of products and services. This workshop provided delegates with an overview of the information and tools available to help integrate sustainability into the procurement process.
Our Events & Presentations

9 Apr 2015
Local Authority Benchmark Report 2014
Local authority reports resulting from the benchmarking exercise in 2014. Focus on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and the move to a low carbon economy.
Our Reports & Guides

8 Dec 2014
Local Enterprise Partnerships Resilient Growth Information Note – December 2014
This is a report produced in 2014 and subsequent presentations to LEPs in 2015 on the use of this guidance.
Our Reports & Guides

1 Dec 2014
SWM Annual Conference 2014: New Connections – Global Climate Change and the Local Environment
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 25 November 2014 with keynote presentation from Joan Walley, Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee and MP for Stoke-on-Trent North.
Our Events & Presentations

3 Jul 2014
Local Authority Low Carbon Management Programme Report
Report summarising the activity and results of the local authority Low Carbon Management Programme funded by IEWM as part of the West Midlands Property Alliance.
Our Reports & Guides

3 Jul 2014
Local Authority Benchmark Reports 2013
Local authority reports resulting from the benchmarking exercise in 2013. Focus on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and the move to a low carbon economy.
Our Reports & Guides

26 Jul 2013
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games the legacy: Sustainable procurement for projects
The report highlights key instruction on the procurement of sustainable buildings and infrastructure. The Olympic Delivery Authority published their Sustainable Development Strategy a year after winning the bid for the games. It was intended to act as a catalyst for industry to deliver improvements in economic, social and environmental sustainability with the hope that these lessons would be spread across the UK. The report now looks to local authorities to deliver growth in a sustainable way using the framework highlighted in the report.
External Reports

3 Jul 2013
The National Adaptation Programme: Making the country resilient to a changing climate
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
External Reports

1 May 2013
Exploring sub-national support for climate change and sustainability
Date of the resource May 2013 Author of the resource Sustainability East (the equivalent of SWM in the East of…
External Reports

20 Apr 2013
‘Sprint or Marathon? Sustainability lessons learnt from the 2012 Olympic Park’ – April 2013
Author of the presentation Peter Braithwaite – Chair of Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the presentationThis presentation was given at…
Our Events & Presentations

11 Dec 2012
Climate change – is the UK preparing for flooding and water scarcity?
The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) has a statutory duty to report regularly to Parliament on the UK Government's progress in delivering its adaptation programme. In their first two reports, ASC developed and piloted a toolkit to assess progress in preparing for climate change, including use of adaptation indicators. In this report the Adaptation Sub-Committee apply the toolkit at a national level to two of the largest risks to emerge from the UK's first Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA): flooding and water scarcity.
External Reports

13 Nov 2012
Executive Summary: A review of progress towards an environmentally sustainable and socially just West Midlands
This report is aimed at our members, green leaders and other leaders from the business, public and voluntary sectors in the West Midlands. It is to help inform them of the current collective progress against the seven sustainability priorities to deliver our vision for 2020.
Our Reports & Guides

21 Dec 2011
Enabling the Transition to the Green Economy – Government and Business Working Together
This report sets out a range of policy tools which the government are using to support the transition to the green economy, the opportunities that are created and the implications for the way in which businesses operate.
External Reports

21 Dec 2011
Green game-changers: Insights for mainstreaming business innovation
This review follows on from last year's Green Game-Changers report, which looked at small-scale sustainability innovators. The potential of these small players inspired this year's review of the progress that large firms have made to adopt scale up innovations. Within this remit we have honed in on those that have gone beyond product and process optimization and have innovated their business models towards sustainability.
External Reports

5 Dec 2011
Green Business Club Good Practice Guide
Date of the report December 2011 Authors Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the report This guide developed by Sustainability West…
Our Reports & Guides

28 Nov 2011
Going Green: How local authorities can encourage the take-up of lower-carbon vehicles
Local authorities have opportunities through their planning, traffic management and transport powers to influence, or 'nudge', the use of (U)LCVs in their respective areas. The RAC Foundation sought explore what these powers are, the level of appetite among local authorities for using them, and what experience of their use had been gained so far, both in the UK and continental Europe.
External Reports

1 Oct 2011
Is localism delivering for climate change?
This report explores whether local authorities are continuing to work on climate change, how action is being encouraged and what potential local enterprise partnerships (LEPs), local nature partnerships (LNPs) and neighbourhood planning offer for strengthening local action on climate change.
External Reports

12 May 2011
West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020
To provide a one page summary bringing together our work on the challenges faced by the West Midlands, our report 'West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020' and our vision document, 'A low carbon vision for the West Midlands in 2020'.
Our Reports & Guides

7 Feb 2011
West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020
This report sets the priorities to achieve our vision for a sustainable West Midlands. We will continue to use these priorities in shaping our sustainability policy advice to leaders in the West Midlands, cross-sector events with our members to develop solutions, and sharing good practice.
Our Reports & Guides

22 Dec 2010
Low Carbon Coventry 2020: A vision for transforming our city
Author of the report Coventry 2020 Low Carbon Task Group Date of the report 2 December 2010 Purpose of the…
External Reports