5 Sep 2013
West Midlands Community Green Infrastructure – Issues and Opportunities for Local Nature and Enterprise Partnerships
Date of the report September 2013 Author of the report Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the report This report is…
Our Reports & Guides
9 Jul 2013
SWM – Sustainability Definitions
The world of sustainability consists of a variety of terms ranging from the philosophical to the technical. In our resources we seek to explain the relevant terms within the text, footnotes or through a glossary. However the entry level for many of our customers is through the introduction, as well as the project and report pages of our website.
Our Reports & Guides
3 Jul 2013
The National Adaptation Programme: Making the country resilient to a changing climate
The National Adaptation Programme (NAP) sets out how government, businesses, communities and civil society are taking steps to prepare for and adapt to climate change.
External Reports
8 May 2013
Payments for Ecosystem Services: A Best Practice Guide
Defra has published a guide to both explain the key principles of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and to help with the implementation of such services.
External Reports
21 Mar 2013
The Economics of Low Carbon Cities: A Mini-Stern Review for Birmingham and the Wider Urban Region
This report reviews the cost and carbon effectiveness of a wide range of low carbon options that could be applied at a local level in households, industry, commerce and transport to expand the low carbon economy. It then goes on to explore the scope for their deployment and the associated investment needs. The report addresses financial returns, carbon savings and implications for economy and employment of a variety of low-carbon measures.
External Reports
2 Jan 2013
The Socio-Economic Performance of the West Midlands in terms of the Low Carbon Economy
The West Midlands low carbon evidence base used to inform the socio-economic framework and evidence base for the future EU funding programme.
Our Reports & Guides
13 Nov 2012
Executive Summary: A review of progress towards an environmentally sustainable and socially just West Midlands
This report is aimed at our members, green leaders and other leaders from the business, public and voluntary sectors in the West Midlands. It is to help inform them of the current collective progress against the seven sustainability priorities to deliver our vision for 2020.
Our Reports & Guides
13 Nov 2012
West Midlands Low Carbon Investment Prospectus
The purpose of this report was to highlight the collective strengths in the low carbon economy across the six Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in the West Midlands and the scale of low carbon investment opportunities.
Our Reports & Guides
12 Mar 2012
The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure
The report outlines the different functions of green infrastructure (GI), in terms of four broad roles that it performs.
External Reports
29 Dec 2011
Portrait of the West Midlands
The report provides an overview of the socio-economic characteristics of the West Midlands region. It covers a wide range of indicators from population to crime to the environment.
External Reports
23 Dec 2011
Green game-changers – 50 innovations to inspire business transformation
As a part of WWF's 50th anniversary, they have brought together 50 'Green game-changers', a selection of inspirational examples from around the world on how businesses and entrepreneurs are turning environmental challenges as a catalyst for innovation.
External Reports
5 Dec 2011
Green Business Club Good Practice Guide
Date of the report December 2011 Authors Sustainability West Midlands Purpose of the report This guide developed by Sustainability West…
Our Reports & Guides
24 Nov 2011
Pricing the Priceless: the business case for action on biodiversity
This report focuses on business and biodiversity, promoting the incorporation of the value of nature into decision making in order to safeguard long-term economic growth.
External Reports
24 Sep 2011
Green and Growth: solutions for growing a green economy
The aim of this report is to set out short- and long-term proposals for growing a green economy. The report highlights that many manufacturing companies see opportunities in a low carbon economy, details objectives for growing a green economy, looks at the barriers to realising this and makes some short-and long-term recommendations that are intended to help to overcome the barriers.
External Reports
12 May 2011
West Midlands Roadmap to a Sustainable Future in 2020
To provide a one page summary bringing together our work on the challenges faced by the West Midlands, our report 'West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020' and our vision document, 'A low carbon vision for the West Midlands in 2020'.
Our Reports & Guides
14 Feb 2011
Low Carbon Economy for the West Midlands – local authority profiles
The purpose of this report was to provide a summary analysis of the opportunities presented by the transition to a low carbon economy for each of the Tier 1 local authority geographical areas in the West Midlands, and the risks presented by rising fuel prices and carbon legislation, based on the current industrial profile of each area.
External Reports
7 Feb 2011
West Midlands Sustainability Priorities to deliver the Low Carbon Vision 2020
This report sets the priorities to achieve our vision for a sustainable West Midlands. We will continue to use these priorities in shaping our sustainability policy advice to leaders in the West Midlands, cross-sector events with our members to develop solutions, and sharing good practice.
Our Reports & Guides
1 Feb 2011
Making Sustainable Lives Easier: A Priority for Governments, Business and Society
This report sets out what is needed, from governments and others, to help enable us all to live sustainable lives in our homes and communities. The report finds that government initiatives to help people live more sustainably lack ambition and direction, and are too timid given the scale and urgency of the challenge. Although increasing numbers of people try to 'do the right thing', we are still a long way from living sustainably; and those who do make an effort often find themselves swimming against the tide of society's norms.
External Reports
22 Dec 2010
Low Carbon Coventry 2020: A vision for transforming our city
Author of the report Coventry 2020 Low Carbon Task Group Date of the report 2 December 2010 Purpose of the…
External Reports
25 Oct 2010
Benefits of green infrastructure: Report to Defra and CLG
Date of the report October 2010 Author of the report Forestry Commission Purpose of the report Today’s urban policy must…
External Reports
11 Jul 2010
Making Sense of Going Green – Small Businesses and the Low Carbon Economy
Whilst the twin threats of climate change and increasing energy prices bring challenges for our economy they also bring opportunities that can allow our 4.8 million small businesses to contribute to a greener economy, enjoy lower energy costs and benefit from new opportunities in a low carbon economy.
External Reports
31 Mar 2010
Roadmap 2020: Sustainable Development Priorities for the West Midlands Workshop
This presentation was given by Dr Simon Slater, SWM and Stephen Owen, URSUS and SWM on 30 March as part of the Roadmap for a sustainable region in 2020 project.
Our Events & Presentations
3 Oct 2009
No charge? Valuing the natural environment
This report highlights that investment in the natural environment is critical to long term economic prosperity and that natural services provide a highly cost effective solution to growing problems like flood and coastal defence, carbon emissions and the preservation of soil, water and air quality.
External Reports
3 May 2009
Low-Carbon Economy for the West Midlands: a synthesis report
In December 2007 Advantage West Midlands (AWM) produced the West Midlands Regional Economic Strategy (WMES) 'Connecting to Success'. It has been recognised as the UK's first low-carbon economic strategy.
External Reports