9 Nov 2016
Brexit and beyond: improving your business resilience -9/11/16
Date of presentation 9 November 2016 Speaker Dr Simon Slater Purpose of the presentation This was a series of presentations…
Our Events & Presentations
13 Oct 2016
SWM Health Networks – Sustainability and Mental Health Conference -12/10/16
Public health, NHS and sustainability practitioners were invited to an event around sustainability and mental health, hosted and supported by Public Health England
Our Events & Presentations
23 May 2016
Local Authority & LEP Workshop: Benchmark Results and Next Steps 13/5/16
Workshop to share the results of the 2016 local authority benchmark, share good practice case studies from around the region and ask for feedback for our report to the WMCA.
Our Events & Presentations
11 May 2016
Green Spaces Workshop
This Green Spaces workshop, run in partnership with Learning for Public Health West Midlands, was all about bringing together the multi-faceted benefits of green infrastructure.
Our Events & Presentations
14 Apr 2016
Sustainable Food Conference
The Sustainable Food Conference brought together members of our WM NHS Sustainability Network and their colleagues from catering teams, along with public health representatives from local authorities, to discuss the importance of local food catering in hospitals.
Our Events & Presentations
23 Mar 2016
How to help your LEP with climate change – March 2016
Date of presentation 22 March 2016 Speaker Dr Simon Slater, SWM Purpose of the presentation This was presented at the…
Our Events & Presentations
10 Mar 2016
Fit for the Future: LEPs and Climate Change Good Practice Conference
The Fit for the Future Conference brought together representatives from LEPs from all over the country to share good practice on climate change adaptation, mitigation and a low carbon economy and to gain support from key national bodies on this agenda.
Our Events & Presentations
15 Feb 2016
Encraft Seminar: Retrofit
This seminar examined case studies on a wide variety of ongoing retrofit projects.
Our Events & Presentations
1 Feb 2016
Climate Resilient Communities Conference 2016
The Climate Resilient Communities Conference 2016 (#CRCC2016) brought together a variety of delegates from different backgrounds all of whom have an interest in protecting our most vulnerable communities from the impacts of extreme weather.
Our Events & Presentations
19 Jan 2016
Climate Just Training Workshops
These workshops allowed delegates to try out the online Climate Just tool.
Our Events & Presentations
7 Dec 2015
Encraft Seminar: Building Energy Performance
There is significant and growing evidence that buildings do not perform as anticipated at their project design stage. A number of variables during the design, construction, handover and actual operation of buildings affect building energy performance. This seminar examined some of those variables with a view to reducing the performance gap.
Our Events & Presentations
13 Nov 2015
Addressing the Fuel Poverty Problem Workshop
This workshop, coordinated in partnership with SHAP, brought together local authority housing providers, sustainability officers and public health officers along with social housing providers to discuss how to address the problem of fuel poverty.
Our Events & Presentations
20 Oct 2015
Encraft Workshop: Air Tightness in Buildings Hands On Skills
Air tightness is a critical component of energy efficient construction. The workshop focussed on the importance of airtightness and gave a full overview of how to achieve air tightness in a building.
Our Events & Presentations
20 Oct 2015
SWM Annual Conference 2015: Sustainability and the West Midlands Combined Authority
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 19 October 2015 with keynote presentation from Jonathon Porritt, the inspirational writer, commentator, author and co-founder of the sustainability development think tank Forum for the Future
Our Events & Presentations
1 Oct 2015
NHS Sustainability Network: Waste and Wastewater Management Workshop
In a low carbon system waste is minimised, is managed to comply with legislation, and recycling or composting are optimised. This workshop provided delegates with Information about the carbon impacts associated with waste and wastewater management and strategies for implementing solutions to minimise waste and wastewater production and costs.
Our Events & Presentations
17 Jul 2015
Local Authority Business Case for Adaptation
This workshop marked the launch of a brand new Business Case for Adaptation report for local authorities and brought together local authority officers from across the West Midlands and beyond
Our Events & Presentations
16 Jul 2015
Encraft Workshop: Smart Energy Solutions for Housing: What Works Now?
This event gave examples of new smart technologies entering the market, outlined the benefits to organisations and their tenants and provided an overview of future developments.
Our Events & Presentations
12 May 2015
Encraft Investors Briefing: How to manage the financial risks and rewards of renewable energy schemes
The briefing covered the risks and rewards of investing in distributed low carbon energy projects, and the value and role of independent technical quality assurance in protecting your investment.
Our Events & Presentations
12 May 2015
NHS Sustainability Network: Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector Workshop
60% of the NHS England total carbon footprint is associated with procurement of products and services. This workshop provided delegates with an overview of the information and tools available to help integrate sustainability into the procurement process.
Our Events & Presentations
11 May 2015
Encraft Passivhaus and Low Carbon Building: Pioneering 2016 Standards Conference
This event prepared delegates to meet the 2016 zero carbon standards by understanding the most effective approach to delivering the standards for new domestic and non-domestic ‘zero carbon’ buildings and the challenge of existing stock, making the business case add up, and ensuring stakeholders work together to deliver the required outcomes.
Our Events & Presentations
25 Mar 2015
Soil Management and Resilience Workshops for Farmers
These workshops aimed to highlight the importance of good soil management and how improving soil management techniques can help minimise the impacts of extreme weather on farm practices.
Our Events & Presentations
12 Mar 2015
Severn Trent and SWM Climate Change Adaptation Workshop
This workshop highlighted the excellent work Severn Trent has already done to adapt to the impacts of extreme weather, and it also gave the opportunity for stakeholders to feed in their views on where and how Severn Trent should prioritise their next actions
Our Events & Presentations
1 Dec 2014
SWM Annual Conference 2014: New Connections – Global Climate Change and the Local Environment
The SWM Annual Conference was held on the 25 November 2014 with keynote presentation from Joan Walley, Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee and MP for Stoke-on-Trent North.
Our Events & Presentations
12 Nov 2014
Workshops and Launch of NHS & Public Health Networks
The workshops focused on climate adaptation and resilience, how to manage hospital overheating and the effect on patients, and integrating resilience into public health priorities. The day marked the launch of the West Midlands NHS Sustainability, and Sustainability and Public Health networks.
Our Events & Presentations